1.1- A Normal Day In Camp Half-Blood

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 ☆☆☆☆☆☆Victoire Avery☆☆☆☆☆☆

So, you might be thinking that when you have been at Camp Half-Blood for five years, you are obviously a claimed half-blood, and yeah you're right; almost all demigods when they complete a week in here, some a month, already get claimed. . . almost alll demigods.

Now, imagine seeing all those people getting claimed, but I don't, I mean Clarisse gets claimed, Annabeth gets claimed, so does Luke, Cástor, Pollux, Lee, Travis, Connor, Katie, Val. . . and you get an idea, so feeling the anger when somebody gets claimed was already a normal feeling, but there's something even worse, and this time the fact that the coke from Camp doesn't taste the same as the one in the mortal world doesn't count as the worst thing in the world.

The worst thing was, that even I had defeated Luke every single time we had fought each other, he was still known as the 'Best Swordman' in Camp,why? Because he was claimed.

If you are wondering what happened with the friends that I made in the streets, here's the answer, first Thalia got turned into a pine three, super normal, right? Demigods lifes are like that; well then we got Grover, who's currently trying to get another half-blood to Camp, Luke that is just there, I mean he's really good with the sword and everybody has a crush on him, but after that. . . well like I said he's just there, and then we got Annabeth. . .

Annabeth was now the head-consealor of the Athena cabin, and was well respected, we were still friends, but it was weird since most of the time she was sending me that I-want-to-kill-you look, why? Simple, because I'm that troublemaker, so if you want to know if Annabeth and I are friends, the answer is: Yes, now if you wanna know if we are currently speaking to each other, the the answer is: No, because the Stolls and I had pranked the Athena cabin last week, we put all those spiders in their bunks, all fun, until Annie decided to get mad at me, and not speaking to me, untill I apologize (Which I wasn't plaining on, because there was no spider on her bunk), or I got myself an injury and she would tell me the same thing as always: You shouldn't this, the other and many other things that end in n't.

At least that was, untill today night,  the Stolls and I had skiped dinner to make a prank on the Dionysus kids, (Valentina, Cástor and Pollux) when out of nowhere, Annabeth bursted in to the Hermes's cabin.

"V,V,V, where are you? Come here, you idiot!"

"Whatever you think that I did, I didn't." I said, standing up, "We haven't pranked anyone, since last week."

"It's not about your stupid pranks!" She exclaimed, and the Stolls were ready to start arguing with her, but Annabeth continued,"Grover's back, and The One is with him, I'm sure!"

'Not this again' I thought, Beth had been with this 'The One' thing since we were ten, basicaly a new camper would have a quest and Annabeth would be part of it.

And if you are wondering why I'm shorcutting Annabeth's name, it's because she calls me 'V' as long as she can call me that, I can call her Annie, Beth or Betty even.

Annabeth practically dragged me out of the cabin, "Where are they?" I asked, "Thalia's pine three" was all I got in response.

We ran together, with the Stolls following us, for when we got to the three, Chiron was already there with some Apollo campers.

In the ground were Grover, my satyr friend, who I hadn't seen since september, and next to him was Annabeth's new golden boy, he had his messy black hair all wet because of the rain, his skin was a bit tanned, and when he opened his eyes, I could see a sea green colour.

"He's the one" Annabeth said, "He must be."

"Silence, Annabeth," Chiron said, "He's still conscious. Bring him inside."

Those blue eyes. A.C x oc femWhere stories live. Discover now