2.2- I hate Tantalus.

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☆☆☆☆☆Victoire Avery☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

I declare myself as the children eater that got punished by my father biggest hater.

Not my father, I meant Tantalus, though I could also be a big hater of my father, but the list of people who hate him is way too long, so I don't think I'd be his biggest hater.

That's too bad.

The next days after the claiming of Tyson happened were hell, for Percy and I, just like Tantalus wanted, the asshole had been such a pain in the ass since he got there.

Percy, well, he was ashamed. Who would like to have a cyclops brother?

And I did not like to know that I had a cyclops sleeping a cabin after mine. Plus, I felt bad for Percy . . . And Tyson's claiming made me realize that I got hundreds of siblings, I mean in my head I had no brothers, just sisters, Thalia, currently a pine tree and Dahlia, currently in the Underworld.

Tyson's claiming made me realize I'm related to Heracles, Perseus (not Perseus as Percy Jackson), Ares, Athena, Artemis, Apollo . . .

But they don't count, right? Gods don't count. (I think)

But Dionysus does count, since he was a half-blood first. Now he will for sure get me a coke, too.

Well, now, you all would like to think that I did the chariot with Annabeth, right?

Well, I didn't.

At first Melody and I tried to get Val to participate, but when she saw us she grew wines around our ankles and locked herself in her cabin.

I think she is getting a bit tired of us.

"Instead of doing this you two could be designing your chariots! Even better! Leave me alone and team up." She yelled at us.

After two seconds, Melody and I decided that she did have a point.

So we did the chariot together.

Later the same day, while I did the sketch for the chariot in Arts & Crafts. Melody was giving me ideas.

"So we could put some traps in-" Melody was saying.

"Melody." I interrupted her. "We're not Beckendorf."

"I know, I look myself in the mirror everyday, but still, a few hidden traps can't be so hard." She said.

"They can be, believe me." I said. "Last time we had chariot races Lu-  I tried them. I almost gived poor Darwin another trauma."

Luke and I had tried it. But I didn't want to talk about him, not when he betrayed us.

"Yeah, yeah, but you didn't have me. Now you do." The daughter of Apollo said, "and that was years ago, you must have got a little better at it."

"Well, yeah, you've got a point there, Davies."

"I know I do."

I glared at her, "When I first met you, Melody, you were a kind soul. Now your siblings have turned you into a cocky soul."

"My siblings? I believe that was your fault."

"Pff, me? I'm a kind soul!"

Melody and another voice said at the same time, "As if."

I turned to where I had heard the other voice. It was Annabeth, she had her blonde curly hair down, the Camp t-shirt and some shorts.

Unconsciously, I ran my fingers through my hair and removed the dirt from my shirt.

Those blue eyes. A.C x oc femWhere stories live. Discover now