Cassie's Relationship With Her Family

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Dallas (A.K.A. Her Ex-Dad): Extremely bad. The reason for that is because he abused her along with her siblings before he left

Vanessa (A.K.A. Her Mom) Very Good. She loves her mom very much and she misses her a lot ever since she passed away from lung cancer

Theo A.K.A. Street Rat (Her father figure and adopted father, belongs to DRDCRDR): Great. Cassie loves her adopted father and prefers to him as father or dad and they spend some quality time together. She is protective of him just like Theo is protective of Cassie and he sees her as his daughter

Tom (Oldest brother): Great. There's usually a lot of tension between the two oldest siblings of four, Tom acts as if he is better than Cassie, and Cassie has made it her personal goal to prove him wrong. Cassie can tease Tom with ease, however, for Tom, it is difficult for him to tease back, as he loves his sister, and has less of a 'tough love' approach. Despite the arguing, Cassie seems to be very close with Tom and they do love each other very much. (Their relationship is similar to Leo and Raph's relationship from teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012)

Aaron: (Younger brother): Good. Cassie loves Aaron as a brother, but like the rest of her siblings, gets very agitated when Aaron starts acting like a know-it-all and talks in "super-smart techno-babble". Cassie does make fun of Aaron as a geek. Despite this, Cassie doesn't tease Aaron nearly as much as Tom and Harley. Cassie and Aaron are complete opposites when it comes to thinking: Aaron thinks too much and Cassie often doesn't think enough. And despite all of the teasing and such, Cassie loves Aaron and willing to do anything for him. Like with all her siblings, Cassie is protective of Aaron, and Aaron is willing to assist her the best he can in battle.

Harley: Good. While their personalities are the exact opposites, with Harley being shy and timid and Cassie being bold and confident. Cassie is not that close with Harley due to her shy and sometimes cowardly nature. Despite this though, she does know when to act gentle around her and helps her out on being confident and brave. Hell she even guided Harley to somewhat the dark side when it comes to villains. She seem to have little respect for her, and she sometimes playfully gives her a nuggie. Despite all that, she cares a lot about Harley and gets furious, like the other two, everytime Harley gets hurt by an enemy and she was also the first to show major concern when she realized Harley was in danger. Same thing for getting hurt, bullied and etc.

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