💜🩸💜🩸Harley HCs💜🩸💜🩸

68 3 19

- Harley uses emoticons and emojis when texting

- Harley is good at both cooking and baking

- Harley has four favorite holidays and they are Halloween, Valentine's day, Christmas and St. Patrick's day

- Harley is a hardcore Anime otaku

- Harley loves rainy day very much and uses her famous puppy dog eyes on her family (which no one can't resist), just to play with the rain while wearing a raincoat. Though she sometimes loves looking at the rain from the window

- Harley has anime posters in her room along with pastel goth aesthetics and blood aesthetics

- Harley laughs at deaths in horror movies and even enjoys the gorey scenes of them, despite the fact that she is shy, timid and innocent. But not when it comes to horror movies

- Harley once banned Tom from the kitchen when he tried to cook and burns half the house down, she was very angry at him when that happen

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