🩹🦝Racoon A.K.A River HCs (One Angst Included)🦝🩹

94 3 43

TW: Rape And Pedophilia

- River's favorite insect is cockroaches

- River got into skateboarding and he often does skateboarding tricks

- His favorite color is dark green

- River prefers Roy over his parents because he is a better parent than his own parents because Roy took care of him

- River always wanted a pet dog, but he never got the chance to because of his abusive ex-parents

- River sees Matthew as a big brother and he loves him very much since Matthew took care of him

- River HATES child predators and child rapists a lot due to his experience

- River once got rape by two pedophilic women (who are twin sisters)

Racoon A.K.A. River, Roy and Matthew belongs to HyperCartoonFan20

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