😎🤘Timothy Angst HCs😎🤘

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TW: Neglect and child abuse

- Timothy has suffered some horrible memories of his ex-parents and their hurtful words to him such as his mother said to him about the one time she said that he'll never be a rock-star and other hurtful words to him

- Timothy never and i mean NEVER want to see his parents and younger brother ever again

- Timothy's parents never celebrated his birthday and they only celebrated his younger brother's birthday (the only ones who celebrated his birthday is his friends, his uncle (his dad's brother), his aunt, his four cousins, his mom's sisters who are his aunts, their husbands and kids and his grandparents from both sides of the parents' families)

- Timothy learned how to fight, how to shave, learn how to cook, learn how to support himself, learn how to take care of animals, learn how to drive, how to graduate kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school and other more without his parents, he even have 18 great birthdays WITHOUT them and his younger brother and they never give him gifts or even send him a card (to hell with them)

- Timothy doesn't need them then and he doesn't need them now. Which is why he is gonna get through college without them, he is gonna get a great job without them and married a beautiful women or a handsome men and have a whole bunch of kids to prove that he will be a better parent that his parents were ever was and he is sure as hell he doesn't need them for that because there wasn't a thing they could ever teach him on how he should raise and love his kids

- Timothy cries himself to sleep at night because his parents' negligence towards him

- His mom slapped Timothy in the face once after his younger brother snitch on him

- Timothy once told Denisse about his past and she was shocked, sad and heartbroken about this and comforted him by hugging him and told him to let it out by screaming and crying loudly

- Timothy's dad is lazy and and sometimes lacks knowledge. Which makes him a lousy excuse for a father while Timothy's mom is more abusive than strict to Timothy, and it is shown that she hates him in a messed up way and she discriminates against Timothy and never believes or trusts him.

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