📝Warren Angst HCs📝

128 3 45

TW: Bullying, Abuse and Attempt Suicide

- Yul treated him like crap both at school and home, Yul would always degrade him, say that he's horrible at everything, said that he was just being nice for the sake of sucking up to the authorities and just being a faker, he even would even spread a rumor about Warren humping a pillow pretending to be one of his crushes

- Tenki found out about Warren's scars while changing into their swimsuits before going to the pool until he found out about his scars and he told him about how he did self harm and he was upset, shocked and heartbroken about this and comforted him

- Tenki called Warren's family about it and they were in shock and also heartbroken to the point they ended up crying. It all started when Zander was just making food for his family, While Tanner was playing with Izumi and Midori, Warren mentioned that he and Tenki were gonna hang out by the pool for a bit, Zander allowed it.... At first, Things were fine, with his brother finding a new friend that he could hang with, and things were looking fine... Until.... He got a phone call from Tenki and he told them that he wanted them to come over for a bit and have a chat, Because he said he found something.... concerning... The way that he spoke from his tone made it sound like something bad happened while they were hanging out... And.... As Zander predicted, Something bad DID happen....While Tenki was hanging out with Warren in the pool, He ended up discovering some.... Scars... Scars that Warren made when he was self-harming.... He found them out when they were in the changing rooms, and he wanted to make a phone call with him to talk about it.... And they took the news very badly once they explained everything to them... Zander was in shock, Tanner and Sakura were in tears, Izumi and Midori were crying and Kenzo and Susan were heartbroken over what they witness. Warren got therapy after that

- Warren did try everything he could to build a relationship with Yul but ended up failing and he cried himself to sleep every night because of him

- Yul told Warren that if you want to find someone who loved you that badly than maybe he could find a friend or a lover in his next life and take a sawn dive off the roof of a building and so, Warren tried to kill himself in secret

- Zander went to Warren's room and he found a suicide note on his desk along with other objects for his suicidal plans (and those tools are a rope, knives, scalpel and small razor blades)

Tenki belongs to HyperCartoonFan20

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