⛓️🔥Ulrich (with a few angsts) HCs⛓️🔥

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- His mom at least spend some time with him and she loves and cares for him.

- His father is a businessmen while his mom is an author.

- He's a mama's boy.

- Ulrich DESPISES Alec a lot because he reminds of his dad when Alec neglected his own son. Because it brought him back some very horrible memories of his past.

- He and his dad often get into verbal fights because of his grades.

- Ulrich manage to finish high school and college due to his intelligence.

- Ulrich has a little brother who is 11 years old and he gets jealous that his father spends time with him.

- He also has a 16 year old sister who is in high school and she also cares for Ulrich like their mother.

- Ulrich finally snapped at his dad for neglecting him and how the way he treated him after all the years and said that he hates him, which causes his dad to be in shock for the first time and Ulrich left the room crying after he ripped his own drawing of him and his dad that he made when he was six.

- His dad felt guilty and even felt ashamed of himself for doing this to his own son and he wanted to make it up to Ulrich by apologizing to him for neglecting his eldest kid and his baby boy.

- His mom tried to tell her husband about what he did to Ulrich was extremely horrible and she got mad at him. His daughter even got angry at him as well and tells him that "Ulrich was right, you are a terrible father, how could you do that to him. He loved you and wanted to spend some time with you, and how did you pay him back? By spitting on his face like it was nothing".

- His father didn't celebrate Ulrich's birthdays because he forgot about it and he was busy at his job.

- All Ulrich wanted was to spend some father and son bonding time but all of those attempts failed due his father neglecting him and always spending time with his little brother, which causes him to have depression and he cries himself to sleep at night.

- After the snapping incident, Ulrich neglects his father and gives him the serious cold shoulder, which causes his dad to be sad

- When his parents and his little brother found out about what Ulrich went through thanks to his sister, they felt heartbroken about this and they couldn't help but blame themselves for not knowing that Ulrich was in pain

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