Harley's Relationship With The Rest Of The Season 1 Contestants

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bJake: Great. She loves Jake very much and she sees him as her future big brother in law. They would bake and cook food together and they have a very strong bond and they got along greatly

Dan: Very good. She sees Dan as her bestie and her second future brother in law and they had a really good bond with each other

Drew: Great. She sees him as her best friend forever and they got along greatly due to them being the youngest of their respective siblings and they make Jam and JamDan fanfics

Miriam: Great. Harley and Miriam have a grandmother and granddaughter bonding and their relationship is good. Harley sees Miriam as the grandmother that she never had considering the fact that she and her siblings never knew their grandparents from both sides of their parents' families. They also bake and cook food together along with Jake

Lill: Good. Harley admires Lill and her leadership and even sees her as her mom

Ashley: Great. Harley loves Ashley and she loves Harley back and they see each other as sisters. Ashley helps Harley overcoming her fears and her low self-esteem by facing those said fears with confidence and Harley takes care of Ashley's hair

Gabby: Complicated. Harley doesn't hate Gabby or anything at all. She doesn't click with her that much considering her personality can be like a on and off light switch. In other words, Gabby can cheerful and sweet when the lights are on, but when the lights are off, she becomes scary and vicious. She tries to get along with her just for Tom's sake

Grett: Bad until it got better. Harley use to dislike because she got her older brother fired from his job as a spy and got Drew booted out. However, once she got to know her better in all stars. She felt really bad for her due to her past with her life, her parents favoring her brother over her, her insecurity on her failures and appearance and her relationship with Yul being toxic and abusive

Nick: Neutral. Harley finds Nick... Bland. She doesn't hate him or she doesn't like him, she finds Nick a decent person to say the least. She doesn't like the fact that he is lazy, it made her unamused if anything. But she can tolerate him and she feels sorry for him due to his parents isolating him from the outside world

Will: Good. Harley likes Will and sees him as her friend. She helps Will on overcoming his fears and spends time with him

Alec: Bad. Harley dislikes Alec, but she doesn't hate him like her brother Aaron does. She just doesn't like him for what he did to her brother and the rest. She also doesn't like the fact that he neglected his son because it reminded of her ex biological father abusing her and siblings

Fiore: Complicated. Harley dislikes Fiore because of what she did to her brother and the rest of his castmates. However, she does tolerate her a lot more than Ellie and she does love her to pieces since she is a kid. And Harley feels really sorry for her for what she had been through with her mom, it reminded her about what she went through with her ex biological father when abused her, her siblings and her biological mom

Ellie: Horrible. Harley hates and i mean HATES Ellie very much. She hated her for what told Jake to eat shit and kill himself. And absolutely HATED that Ellie had the audacity to blame Jake for his ex cheating on him on live TV and even slandering and antagonizing him, her brother and the rest, it made her livid. She also hated her for what she did to her brother relationship with Jake and what she did in all stars

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