Nanami HCs

108 4 44

- Nanami enjoys her time in the mental asylum since the doctors were nice to her along with a few of her patients. Though there are some of the rude patients that would acted mean towards her or even picked on her, but she makes sure that they would be scared of her by... "Teaching them a lesson". She stayed in the mental asylum for 10 months

- Her psychiatrist is very nice to her and helps her with her problems

- She listens to death metal, heavy metal, rock, hard rock, punkcore, occult rock and indie rock

- She is a Satanist

- She met Kimberly at the coffee shop after she got out of the mental asylum

- She and Kim became friends after their first interactions with each other, then they became best friends, then it was turned into crushes and then they became a couple

Kimberly belongs to DRDCRDR

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