🧰🔧Aaron Angst HCs🧰🔧

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TW: Bullying, attempted rape and pedophilia

- Aaron's cigarette and lighter burns got spotted by Tom when he was getting a glass of water from the kitchen when he came back from school but Aaron didn't notice that along with Tom's shock state

- Aaron secretly has inferiority complex but hides them with his pride on his inventions

- Aaron almost got raped by a pedophilic women who once worked as a math teacher until she got caught by Doug and the principal. He never told his family about that one, not even Harley

- He has nightmares about that women who tried to rape him along with the bullies hurting him

- Aaron hates gossip, misinformation, rape and pedophilia and bullying due to personal reasons

- Aaron almost got raped by two male child predators until one of his adoptive family members (the same one of Theo's family) saved him by murdering them

- Aaron is afraid about telling Theo and the rest of his family about Wesley and the bullying he went through until he finally got the courage to do so thanks to Harley, his friends and his lovers

- Aaron often punches the walls out of sadness or anger whether it's from stress or the bullying

- Aaron even got cyber bullied online and he cried at the cruel messages that they left on him

Theo belongs to DRDCRDR

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