(Before Jake and Timothy got along) Jake: Did you hang out with Timothy last night?
Denisse: You know yeah I did
Jake: Oh ha I love Timothy!
Denisse: You hate Timothy
Jake: *to Denisse with a manic smile and glaring eyes* YEAH NO SHIT HONEY
Denisse: Dad... Dad
Henry: *to Denisse* Yes?
Denisse: I have a boyfriend
Henry: *angry* WHAT!?
Denisse laughs
Lydia: Why does Tom call you "Babygirl"?
Jake: *nervously blushing* How about we stop talking for a while?!
(Shawn is getting ready for his date)
Margaret: I can't believe it's finally happening! Your first date!
Shawn: Mom!
Margaret: And with a girl!!
Shawn: MOM!!
Kayla: We're all shocked.