✂️Denothy HCs😎

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- Timothy first met Denisse in college when she walking out of class and bumping into, he thought that she was cute to mess with and he teases her in a flirty way. Denisse couldn't help but saying a sassy remark towards him which causes him to be in shock

- They became rivals after that, but then one day it all changed when they had to a class project together and they became regular friends as they got to know each other

- Then five months later, Timothy and Denisse secretly have crushes on each other, but they didn't know about and their friends knew about this right away

- It's been going on for weeks until Timothy had a enough and decided to write a letter to Denisse by meeting him at the park on a Saturday at 3 pm, she accept it and when to the park to meet Timothy and of course, he confess his feelings to her by saying he is in love with her and had a crush on her, and to his surprise. Denisse confess her feelings to him and said that she felt the same way, and Timothy started smiling with a blush on his face and asked her that will she be his girlfriend and she said yes.

- And so, Denisse and Timothy became a couple ever since, once they told their friends about it, they were very happy and support them

- Denisse and Timothy have crazy taste in going on dates, such as going to mosh pit to see a rock band, doing motorcycle racing, seeing a monster truck contest and etc.

- They do go on regular dates however such as watching a movie or going to a restaurant

- Timothy loves spoiling Denisse and give her lots of affection just so she can have a better lifestyle than he did

- Timothy will protect Denisse no matter what and he will even fight anyone who messes with her

- Denisse also gives Timothy affection as well, such as hugging him, kissing on the cheek or lips and even cuddling him

- Timothy was scared on ending up like his ex-parents since his ex-family was always broken and dysfunctional but Denisse reassures him that he is not like his ex-parents

- Timothy had a tough time on opening up Denisse about his past but then finally got the courage to tell her thanks to his friends

- After Timothy told his story about his past Denisse couldn't help but feel.... Very angry at his parents and younger brother but also feel sympathy towards Timothy, and she promise him that she will treat him better

- Denisse met Timothy's uncle and aunt and his four cousins, they loved her and she loves them back

- Although they didn't tell Denisse's family about their relationship and they both agreed to keep it a secret due to the fact that Jake is very protective along with Shawn and Henry. Jake, Shawn and Henry hated Timothy (before the three of them got along with him) well, actually Henry didn't trust him with his little girl, Shawn is really protective of Denisse and gives him the shovel talk and they are conflicted enemies. Jake hates Timothy the most and doesn't trust him at all, but not for petty reasons no. He hates him because he knows that bad boys are nothing more than scumbag punks, but they did get along with him in time once their secret is out a few months later

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