chapter four 🫰

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Two days o later jiang cheng went to the yiling to meet the wei wuxian with more than thirty disciples.
Under Burial Mound, before the walls that were torn down, hundreds of fierce corpses really did roam. Jiang Cheng went forward. They did nothing at all. But if the disciples behind Jiang Cheng approached, they'd make low roars of warning. Jiang Cheng told the disciples to wait down the mountain. He went up alone.

A red-clothed woman sat with Wei WuXian on two of the stumps. A man who seemed to be honest and simple was turning over the soil of the field nearby.

Wei WuXian was shaking his leg, "How about potatoes?"

The woman's tone was resolute, "Radishes. Radishes are easy to grow. They don't die as often. Potatoes are hard to look after."

Wei WuXian, "Radishes are disgusting."

"Jiujui you really listened to grandfather" asked Jin ling.

Jiang cheng didn't answer him. He went there yes he went there... and he had different reasons for that ... either you can think he did believe what others said or you can think he went there because he wanted to prove them wrong. He wanted to bring Wei wuxian back to his sect. He wanted him his side as wei wuxian promised him in past. He already lost his parents and he didn't want to lose his brother but Wei wuxian was hell bent to give a headache to him for outsiders.can't Wei wuxian be selfish for once and leave them all at their condition...He knew that Wei Wuxian would not leave them still he went there and tried to change his mind...but Wei wuxian didn't choose him...he chose those outsiders and abandoned him and his sect....

He knew Wei wuxian is like this only....he was always like this carefree about results. His father always said that it was Wei wuxian who understood the meaning of Jiang's motto....Wei wuxian can be selfless and a hero but he can't. He is selfish or you can say coward who can't stand out like his brother and fight with other cultivators for Wen remnant and Wei wuxian.

It's Wei wuxian's fault that he has to take responsibility for all who need help in the's his fault that he can't see anything wrong in front of him then risking all the things to help them out. He already lost many things he can't risk other things...he can't. If you have to live in this world then you have to go blind for a few things and have to become selfish...if anyone thinks he is wrong then they can think whatever, he doesn't give a damn to them. Jiang cheng kept his thoughts with him only and focused on the screen ignoring his future nephew.

"Senior wei is dramatic" said lan JingYi.

Wei wuxian frowned "aahhh, i didn't said wrong. Radishes are disgusting"

"Stopping showing tantrums" growled Jiang cheng on his brother's usual behaviour while looking at the screen. Wei wuxian looked at his grumpy brother and pouted like a kid which was highly ignored by said one.

"cute Wei Ying" lan zhan thought with dreamy eyes, seems like two heart formed in his eyes.

Jiang Cheng snorted. Wei WuXian and Wen Qing finally turned around. They weren't surprised when they saw him. Wei WuXian stood up. When he walked over, he said nothing and continued to walk up the mountain, hands behind his back. Jiang Cheng didn't ask either, he just followed behind him.

Jiang Cheng asked, "What are they doing?"

Wei WuXian, "Can't you tell? Building houses."

They were talking about the matter when jiang Cheng felt something heavy on his leg. He looked down. He didn't know when, but a child about one or two years old crept over and hugged his leg. Raising his chubby chin, he looked up at him with his dark, round eyes.

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