chapter nine 🫰

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Jin ZiXun waved his arm. All of the disciples placed their arrows on their bows, aiming at Wei WuXian and Wen Ning who were at the bottom of the valley. Wei WuXian lifted Chenqing to his lips as well. The shrill note of the flute ripped apart the silence of the valley.

While Wen Ning was dealing with the hundred people, Jin ZiXun used the chance to attack. Seeing that Wei WuXian didn't carry a sword and only carried a flute that was temporarily useless, he laughed, "This is the price you'll pay for your arrogance. Without a sword, let's see how you resist."

The two had been fighting for some time when something suddenly flew out of Wei WuXian's sleeve. His gaze froze as he realized what had happened.

It was the present that he prepared for Jin Ling. Since he cared about it too much, scared that he'd accidentally break it while at the same time wanting to take it out and admire it from time to time, he only placed it shallowly inside of his sleeve. During the fight now, however, it accidentally slipped out, flying toward Jin ZiXun. Jin ZiXun thought that it was something along the lines of a hidden weapon or some obscure poison. He was going to dodge when he saw the change in expression on Wei WuXian's face. Changing his mind, he caught it at once. It was a delicate little wooden box with a row of small characters carved on it-Jin Ling's name and date of his birth. Jin ZiXun paused in surprise before he came to a realization, laughing loudly.

Wei WuXian's face darkened, speaking one word at a time, "Give it back."

"Zixun how could you do this,it was for your nephew" said Jin zixuan with disappointment.

"How unfair, wei xiong is alone with gost general fighting with so many people" said nei huaisang.

"He just want to kill wei wuxian" said sect leader yao and instantly felt chill as lan zhan and jiangs started glaring him.

Jin zixun didn't know how to support himself and looked at Jin guangyao for help but Jin guangyao pretended that he didn't see him as he can't destroy his good face for Jin zixun.

Wen Ning was standing not far away in the distance. Alone worth more than a hundred soldiers, he battled amid the chaos. Jin ZiXun, "You didn't really think that you could attend A-Ling's full-month celebration, did you?"

A white-clothed figure leaped down the valley lightly, blocking between Wei WuXian and Jin ZiXun. Seeing who had come, Jin ZiXun exclaimed, "ZiXuan? Why are you here?!"

Jin ZiXuan placed one hand on the hilt of his sword, enraged, "Why do you think I'm here?!"

Jin ZiXun, "Where's A-Yao?"

Jin ZiXuan was the helper who was supposed to be here to assist him. Just last year, he still held much contempt toward Jin GuangYao. Now that the two's relationship had become better, however, he began to call him in a more intimate manner. Jin ZiXuan, "I stopped him at Koi Tower. If not for how I exposed him after I saw that he looked strange, you two are just going to continue with this? Why didn't you tell me at all that you were cursed with Hundred Holes and instead came to do this without saying anything?!"

"What are you doing there" asked madam Jin with fear and panic.

"As expected you are involved in this " said sect leader nei while eyes Jin guangyao angrily

"I don't know what is happening...I must have.." before he can make any story nei mingjue cut him " I know how hard work you do to play with need must be manipulated Jin zixun to believe that it is Wei wuxian who cursed him"

"Brother nei calm down. In starting there was misunderstanding about young master wei so he has done we shouldn't judge him like that." Said lan xichen

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