chapter eleven 🫰

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while Lan WangJi stopped Wei WuXian Seizing his collar, he dragged Wei WuXian in front of him, his voice hard, “Wei Ying! Stop the corpses!”

Wei wuxian only wanted to see if Jiang YanLi was fine. With red eyes, he pushed him away and rushed to the ground. With the push, Lan WangJi staggered a bit, and gazed at him after he steadied himself. Before he could do anything else, he suddenly heard another scream of help in the distance. He suppressed whatever was in his eyes and went to provide assistance.

Jiang cheng threw a sudden punch toward Wei WuXian’s face, shouting, “What happened?! Didn’t you say you could control it?! Didn’t you say it’d be fine?!”

Wei WuXian sat collapsed on the ground, his face blank, “... I don’t know either.” In despair, he continued, “... I can’t control it, I just can’t control it...”

"If you can't control then why did you choose this path, because of you I lost everything" shouted jiang cheng while crying for her sister.

"I am sorry jiang Cheng, i didn't know this would happen" Wei wuxian bowed with tears.

"Cheng calm down, it wasn't Xian's fault" said jiang yanli.

"Didn't he say that he can control then why did his pet attack you jiejie" shouted cheng when he saw his sister is siding Wei wuxian.

"Cheng I am sorry, I will find a way to control it"suggested Wei wuxian a way which he thought just now.

"Shut up, I don't want you to practice it any more. I don't want to lose only relationship on this earth. I think mother was right, you can only bring disgrace and bad luck to our sect and family" said cheng while going emotional while remembering his dead parents. Wei wuxian looked at cheng with painful eyes and lost the words to defend.

"Sect leader jiang mind your words "said Sizhui said while losing his calm composer.

"I think you are forgetting the rules of your clan lan Sizhui, this is a matter between our family you can't interfere " chidded jiang cheng with arrogance.

Master lan" Sizhui let them settle their family matters, don't interfere." as this behaviour is against lan clan.

"Let me remind you sect leader Jiang, Xian ge already defected from your sect. He is no more member of your clan and second he is my family so I have all right to interfere in his matter,either you or other want it or not." Exclaimed lan Sizhui with determination.

Furious cheng glanced at Sizhui " yes, of course you will take his side as he abandoned me and my sect because of you so called innocent wens"

"Sect leaders jiang why are you leasing out your anger on Sizhui " said JingYi annoyingly.

"It's him who jumped in the matter, because of Wei wuxian I lost everything. What do you expect from me" questioned jiang cheng .

"We are here so we will try to change bad things, take my words as security you wouldn't going to lose anything but from now on you have nothing to with Xian ge." Said Sizhui

"He already betrayed my sect and done more harm than needed." replied Cheng

"A-cheng mind your words and Xian did nothing wrong. He is not going anywhere" said yanli strictly.

"Shijie please listen to cheng. If I stay with you then I will harm you" Wei wuxian wailed.

"Xian nothing happened to me. See I am safe and sound with you then why are you both fighting. You both are brothers and brothers Don't fight in themselves." Yanli tried to convince them.

Some of the cultivators felt pity on Jiangs and some gave boring look to them.

Suddenly, Jiang YanLi moved.she spoke up, “... A-Xian.”

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