chapter ten 🫰

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At the top of the announcement was the words 'Pledge Conference'. The contents told that the four leading sects-the LanlingJin Sect, the QingheNie Sect, the YunmengJiang Sect, and the GusuLan Sect-were going to scatter the ashes of the Wen Sect's remnants atop the ruins of the QishanWen Sect's abandoned residence-the Nightless City. At the same time, they'd take the pledge that they'd be forever opposing the YiLing Patriarch, who had occupied Burial Mound.

Wei wuxian chuckled " wow all the main sects gethered to oppose me"

"Young master wei, I apologise for my future self's negligence about the truth." lan xichen bowed respectively to him and remorse.

"I also apologise wei wuxian for my actions. i should have kept my hatred for wens separate and look at the matter deeply " said Nei mingjue while bowing

Jiang cheng also felt guilty about the matter but he didn't say anything as he didn't like the idea killing his future brother in law.

"It's okay, I don't blame you completely but one should not judge a book by it's cover."

Lan zhan nodded like a child and looked at Wei wuxian " will always support Wei Ying ". He was looking so innocent and pure that wei Ying couldn't take off his eyes from lan zhan's face "why suddenly he is acting so cute and adorable" thought Wei wuxian.

People who had knowledge about couple shook their heads at this " baba can never resist father's charm either. A while ago he was claiming that he doesn't feel for father now look at him how he is admiring him." Thought lan Sizhui

A handsome man of very young age. Wearing white robes and a forehead ribbon, he bore a solemn expression on his face, in which there seemed to be a suppressed strand of worry. He came at a high speed, but he didn't seem to be hurrying at all. Not even the corners of his robes wavered.

Holding back pain, the cultivator who had broken his legs spoke, "Han-... HanGuang-Jun!"

Lan WangJi walked beside him and got down, pressing on his legs to check his wounds. His injuries weren't too severe. He got up, but before he could speak, the cultivator continued, "HanGuang-Jun, you've come too late. Wei WuXian just went!"

Quite a few people knew that in the past few days, HanGuang-Jun of the GusuLan Sect had been searching everywhere for the whereabouts of Wei WuXian, probably wanting to settle things with him and have him pay for the dozens of lives that the GusuLan Sect lost. Someone hurriedly shouted, "Yeah, he's been gone for less than an hour!"

Lan WangJi, "What did he do? Where is he going?"

The people immediately started complaining, "He fought with us without a care for anything and almost killed all of us right there on the spot!"

Lan WangJi's fingers, hidden beneath the snow-white sleeves, twitched slightly, as if he wanted to clench them into fists. However, he quickly loosened them.

The cultivator quickly added, "But he said already that he was going to the Nightless City to account for things with the Four Great Sects!"

Hearing the conversation Wei wuxian looked at hanguang-jun and smiled little bit. He doesn't know should he complain to him for misunderstanding or not. Lan zhan is no different from other who blamed him. Now he was searching for him to punish but somewhere in heart he didn't accept it. he didn't believe that lan zhan can do this to him. He is his soulmate and understands him. He can't misunderstand.

"Never blamed Wei Ying" said lan zhan when he saw doubt in Wei wuxian's eyes.

" Hanguang-jun don't forget lying is forbidden in our sect. If you don't want to punish him then why are you searching for him like mad?" asked su she.

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