chapter twelve 🫰

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"Don't you love me?" Shouted Wei wuxian in frustration.

Lan zhan gazed at him calmly " do you?" Wei wuxian became silent then after sometime said " lan zhan answer me, don't ask question"

Lan zhan got up from his seat and started to go out. Wei wuxian was shocked by his behaviour and looked at him with an open mouth. Lan zhan stopped in the middle but didn't turn back "Wei Ying is not obligated to accept me and I know you don't return my feelings"

Lan zhan again moved to go out but before he can step more he was caged in the arms. When lan zhan realised what happened he forgot to breathe.

Wei wuxian locked his arms around lan wangji "why you have to always so rude? Can't we talk normally?" Asked Wei wuxian almost with cry.

Lan zhan closed his eyes to control himself then he tried to free himself but Wei wuxian tightened the grip "leave Wei Ying " said lan zhan while unlocking the Wei wuxian's hand.

Wei wuxian shook his head with "No, i wouldn't until unless we talk " lan zhan sighed painfully" Wei Ying don't make it difficult for me"

Wei wuxian turned lan wangji to himself. Now both are facing each other and their eyes are locked as soon as they met.

After some time lan zhan averted his gaze " Zhan lan just tell me do you really have feelings for me now?"
Lan zhan neither answer nor looked at Wei wuxian.

"Lan zhan"

"Lan wangji"


"Lan zhan"

"Lan zhan"

Wei wuxian pulled lan wangji more to himself If bodies could merge, by now both would have become one. Lan wangji looked at Wei wuxian in horror "what are you doing?" asked lan zhan with lots of struggle.why not he would be struggling? His favourite person is so close to him that even air could not pass between them. He is losing his control. He closed his eyes so that he couldn't do anything that made him regret .

Wei wuxian triumphly said "then answer me I will leave you" lan zhan glared at him but Wei wuxian didn't show any moment as till now he understood that all the glares and anger that Lan wangji showed is nothing serious he just want to escape from the situation.

"If you don't feel anything then don't flirt" said with his cold voice.

"Do you think I am flirting with you?" asked Wei wuxian with confusion. Lan zhan didn't answer and avoided to look at Wei Ying.

"Lan zhan don't be hard to crack... answer me simply do you love me?" Wei wuxian again tried to know his answer while locking Lan wangji' waist in between his arms.

Lan zhan looked at Wei wuxian seriously "but Wei Ying don't like men"

Wei wuxian sighed at Lan Zhan's stubbornness " yes I don't like men" lan zhan looked at him with painful eyes and Wei wuxian continued "if it is you then I can give one chance... one chance to us..."

Wei wuxian looked at Lan zhan to see his reaction and found him looking at him like a child who is standing to hear his name on the lottery ticket "lan zhan will you wait for me till I short out my feelings and things going around us"

Lan zhan was not able believe what he heard "he don't like men but he wants to give try with lan zhan."

"Tell me Lan zhan are you willing to give a chance"asked Wei wuxian.

"If you can't return my feelings then don't give me false hope Wei Ying. " Lan zhan voice was Shanky "Don't feel bounded to return my feelings... whatever I have done for you on screen or here has nothing do with your answer. You love me back or not but you will always find me beside you as your well-wisher so don't force yourself to like me" lan zhan freed himself from his arms.

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