chapter fifteen 🫰

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Near the Mo village, on the roof of one building a man cladded in white robe sitting near the tea table. He was sitting flawlessly and playing his guqin. His face was straight and devoid of any emotions.

" Wangji you.. " master lan couldn't say anything more, Lan xichen also gave a distressed look to his didi. Lans who understands what lan wangji was doing gave a sympathetic look to him. Lan zhan didn't react to anyone and kept sitting in one straight position.

Wei Wuxian was confused by the reaction of lans. He frowned "why are you reacting like this ? What happened to lan zhan ? He looks fine and playing his guqin? "

Lan xichen and Sizhui gazed at Wei wuxian in disappointment. He probably won't even know how much his words are hurting Lan zhan.

Master lan gazed at Wei wuxian " Does he really deserve Wangji ? From the beginning till now, he has only given Wangji pain and misery. I don't know why everyone supports their relationship so much, if Wangji stays with this brat then he'll only find sorrow. Here wangji Even after 13 years is playing an inquiry for him and he is saying what is wrong ? He look fine."

"Senior Wei you are really dense, Hanguang is playing enquiry for you " said JingYi with irritation.

Although he knew lan wangji was waiting for him still this made him surprised that lan zhan going place to place and playing enquiry for him. He was speechless, he was just looking at the stoice face with tear full eyes.

Lan stopped playing his guqin and went to railing of the roof. He stood there by keeping one hand at his back and gazing at the moon, cold wind was blowing making the  environment cool like mountains. In the dark night, the moon was bright making him remember something from his past " under the same moon, in a night on the roof for the first time I met you Wei Ying , it's been years but everything about you is printed in my mind, my heart." He got the glimpse of their first meet, their bickering, their roof fight. He kept looking at the moon and rail of thoughts keep going on " where are you Wei Ying ? Why are you not answering me ? When will you come ? This time I wouldn't let you go. "

" This is how you both met ? " Asked Jin ling as he saw the glimpse which lan zhan got on the screen.

"Lan zhan remember everything thing,..why did I never paid attention to it " cried Wei wuxian.

" Second young master lan you really love Xian " said jiang yanli with smile.

Master lan groaned in annoyance" everyone is seeing wangji's love for this brat but ignoring the pain wangji is enduring because of him."

Lan xichen eyes got teary " this is because of me, wangji is suffering because of me. If I had seen the truth and not believed on jins then none of this would have happened...,Young Master Wei would be alive, and Wangji wouldn't had to wait for so many years or endure so much suffering."

Jiang cheng glared lan wangji "does he really waited for Wei wuxian ? "

Su she gave a disgusting look to lan wangji " He never fails to grab the attention of all people, Whatever he does always receive only praising either it is supporting someone who walked on a crooked path or fought against the whole cultivation world, this is because he took birth in main sect family."

Lan zhan didn't know how to react so kept his cold face for one but he was sad for his future self. It's true he loves Wei wuxian and he will always wait for him regardless of timeline. Sizhui gave a helpless look to Wei wuxian who was still sitting with Jiangs " I hope baba understands the deepness of father's love and doesn't ignore father for others like he is doing now"

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