hot tub (Hyunjin x Felix)

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Felix invites Hyunjin in his hot tub just to tease him and seduce. Felix seduction works a little too well.

Top Hyunjin, bottom Felix

Slapping kink
Daddy kink
Public sex

Felix hears a knock on his door and opens it to Hyunjin waving at him. As Hyunjin walks in and closes the door he gives Felix a soft hug making him hug back.

As Felix walks over to sit down on the couch Hyunjin was glazing his eyes over Felix's slim waist, semi broad shoulders and his round ass barely fitting in the swim trunks he was wearing.

"Get up, where's the hot tub" Hyunjin giggled as he fake tugged on Felix's arm needingly. "Alright alright come on" Felix says as he walks to the back door with Hyunjin right behind him.

Felix POV

I walk outside to the hot tub and look back to make sure Hyunjin is still following. It's time to set my plan in motion.

"It's kind of small, will we be cramped up" Hyunjin said, not taking his eyes off the tub. "It's not that small you're just big, now get In" I squeak out with a giggle.

I get in after Hyunjin and I try to inconspicuously take off my swim trunks leaving me fully naked. "This is nice" I sigh out and Hyunjin just nods in agreement.

Soon enough I started to get fidgety and started slightly standing up. At first Hyunjin tried to ignore it until I pushed him too far. I leaned over the side of the hot tub to make it look like I was trying to get something. I slowly but surely exposed my whole ass and hole.

Seconds later I feel his hand on my waist and the other caressing one my ass cheeks. I bit my lip as I slowly looked back at him, he just smiled in response.

Without warning he thrusted two fingers into my hole really fast making me arch my back immediately and let out a moan.

He used his free hand to slap my ass and hold me up by the throat so he could pepper hickies down my neck. I already felt close just from him using his fingers so I pushed my ass back against them. Hyunjin realized and pulled his fingers out making me moan slightly.

I look back to watch him take his shorts off but his grip on my neck slightly tightened making me turn back forward.

Hyunjin POV

I let go of Felix's neck to put both my hands on his waist and line my shaft up with his hole. I slowly push my tip in making him whine a bit. After that I tap his back with my hand making him shiver.

Right then and there I thrust my full length inside him making his head cock back and hit my chest as he moaned loudly. I push him back on the edge and thrust in and out again making him moan. "D-daddy wait" Felix said as he slowly started turning his head.

Obviously I wasn't going to wait, I started to fuck him at a fast pace and Felix started moaning uncontrollably. I pulled him up by his hair and whispered in his ear lowly, "what's my name bitch"

"Hyunjin" Felix mumbled. I smacked his ass harder "D-d-daddy- it's daddy" he corrected himself, I softly pecked his cheek and let go of his hair.

I picked Felix up and sat down with him on my lap and facing me. I started thrusting up into him and with each thrust warm water would gush inside making him overstimulate a little.

Before I knew Felix's stomach was poking out just the tiniest bit. I put my hand on his stomach and applied pressure making him whine as water gushed back out. I applied more pressure to his stomach making him moan as I could see and feel myself fucking him.

"Daddy- c-cumming" was all Felix could say before he came, a little bit hit my face so I tasted it. "You taste so good bitch" I said while slowing down my pace.

Soon I stopped thrusting and Felix looked at me in confusion. "What h-happened" Felix said nervously, I answered "ride me like the slut you are". So Felix started riding me.

He had his hands on my shoulder, head flung back, and back slightly arched. I just had my hands on his hips to occasionally push him all the way down, eventually I may have slammed down a bit too hard and he came for a second time.

Usually I would've came already but I was holding it in to overwork Felix for it. Felix looked at me as his eyes glistened with small tears, he thought he'd pass out if I didn't give him what he wanted soon.

I stood up, still holding Felix, I pull out just till it's only the tip and then I slammed back into him harshly making me cum in him and him cumming again. I didn't pull out until we got out the hot tub. I slowly pulled out watching my seed drip out of him and onto the patio floor.

I kissed Felix softly on the lips and carried him inside bridal style. We took a shower together, mainly because he couldn't wash himself, he was too tired and couldn't even really stand.

After the shower we changed and I carried him to his room so we could cuddle. "You did such a a good job today baby" I softly spoke and kept praising him "thank you daddy" he mumbled as he was falling asleep. I just kissed him and held him close until I fell asleep as well.


I liked this one, I think it was fun to write and I hope to do more like it. Hope y'all like it as well.

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