hide n seek (Seonghwa x Changbin x Yeosang)

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Seonghwa plays hide n seek with other people and it accidentally takes a turn. For better or for worse, we don't really know.

Top Changbin, bottom Seonghwa+Yeosang

No aftercare
No real prep


Seonghwa POV

I ran around the house trying to find a place to hide but almost everywhere was crowded. I finally found a room that was really dark, not because we had all the lights off but also because this room was just filled with dark colors.

I hurried and hid the closet, luckily I was wearing all black so I kind of blended in with it. I slowly look around the closet not trying to move much but to see what's inside. To say the least I couldn't see much.

A couple minutes I get tired and find a corner to sit in. Upon sitting down I jump back up and turn around. "Who the hell-" "shhh" I was cut off by Changbin hushing me.

"How long have you been in here" I whisper yell "I watched you come in and snoop around" "why didn't you say anything" "because I didn't want to scare you away" Changbin stood up as he finished his sentence.

Once he stood up it felt like he took up a lot of space because now I couldn't move without rubbing up against him. To be honest, he had a lot of muscle mass.

And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse someone else ran into the closet trying to hide.

"What the hell" Yeosang whispered "why are people choosing my room of all to hide in" "yours is the emptiest as of right now" I said not realizing I was rubbing against Changbin.

After I realized I was nervous and it was really cramped now. I was going to sit down until I felt someone grab my hips, it was the one and only Changbin.

I looked back at him then looked at Yeosang who was now sitting in the corner I was going to sit in.

"It's getting hot in here" I said quietly trying to distract myself from what was happening right now. "I agree" Changbin said as he lightly grinded against my ass. Yeosang sighed in agreement not realizing what was happening just yet.

"How long has it been" Yeosang said as he stood up again. "I d-dont know but it's cramped in here" "calm down Seonghwa it won't be long until they find us hopefully" Yeosang spoke as he put his hand on my chest.

Not really thinking he let slide down but immediately retracted his arm upon feeling my boner.

"There's no way you're hard at a time like this" Yeosang was in disbelief. "I- well i-its cramped and I keep rubbing against things on accident o-ok" I gushed out feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Calm down Seonghwa, we will be ok" Yeosang said as his hands glided down my arms and Changbin's hands who was still on my waist. I was a lot more nervous now.

What was going to happen and what if we got caught. I wasn't going to stop from doing anything though because I was getting hornier and needier.

Yeosang softly kissed down my cheek and to my neck as each kiss turned into a suckle leaving hickey marks. Changbin gently kissed behind my ear making me shudder as he felt his hand slide up his shirt and to his nipples.

He then softly tugged and pinched on them. I whined quietly "h-how long h-has it been- I don't t-think I can wa-it" I started rubbing my ass against Changbins boner.

Changbin glided his hands down my small frame and pulled my pants down along with my boxers. Slowly Yeosang got on his knees while sucking on his fingers and looking up at me, not breaking eye contact.

A few seconds later I let out a whimper feeling one of his fingers go into my hole. Changbin made me suck on his fingers to muffle my moans and other noises.

Yeosang immediately stopped all movements when he heard someone outside his room. We were in the closet so they wouldn't be caught immediately but they could still be seen.

A few minutes later the noise stopped and I started growing impatient as I rubbed against Changbin.

Without warning Yeosang sank his mouth all the way down on my dick making me quiver and whine on Changbin's fingers. I gripped his hair as his head bobbed slightly fast.

I was slightly bent making me lean on Yeosang a little. Yeosang was still fucking me with one finger so it surprised when two entered at the same time, one was thicker than the others.

I looked to see Changbin looking down as he slowly unbuckled his pants and pulled them down. I wanted to moan and whine loudly but Changbin wouldn't let me while he would occasionally cover my mouth. I just eventually told him to gag me with something so he did.

Changbin pulled out both hands and lined himself up with my hole. I whimpered as I slowly felt him push the tip inside and moaned onto the cloth when he pushed all the way and slowly thrusting.

I didn't know what to do as I was being pleasured from both sides. All I could really do is enjoy it as I rocked back and forth trying to get maximum pleasure.

I was getting greedy. I didn't realize what Yeosang was doing until I felt a warm substance hit my leg and trickle down it. After he finished, he sped up his movements, bobbing his head a lot faster.

I assumed Changbin was close as well because his strokes were getting rough and sloppy though he had to hold me up. I pushed back onto his dick making it go as deep as I could while I came in Yeosangs mouth.

Though I wanted to I couldn't immediately check on him because Changbin was still for a bit before he slowed down, shooting his load deep inside me.

"A-are you ok" I weakly spoke, not really directed to a specific person. Yeosang nodded as he swallowed thickly "you taste good hwa" he said as he kissed my cheek and slowly opened the closet door.

He ran to shut and lock his room door before turning on the lights. I groaned as Changbin picked me up and carried me to the bathroom, I hadn't expected it.

He placed me into the bath tub making me hiss at the utter coldness hitting parts of my skin. He sat there with me as he ran warm water, making a quick bubble bath.

Once my bath was made he walked out of the bathroom obviously leaving the door open. Left alone with my thoughts, I just kind of sat there, trying to finally process what had just happened.

Before I could get too deep in thought Yeosang came in to wash me off and dry me. Changbin came in to hold me up as Yeosang helped me into my clothes.

was laid down in between them with my resting on Changbin's chest. "I-i want to do something like that again" I whispered, my voice was hoarse and raspy.

"Sure we can baby" Changbin's voice was soft and he was rubbing my back. "You did such a good job baby" Yeosang chimed in, scooting closer to us. Small yawns erupted from all three of us and we repositioned ourselves and said our 'goodnights'.

I obviously fell asleep first then Changbin, and finally Yeosang. When I woke up my ass wasn't as sore so lucky me, could've gone for a morning round. We didn't sadly.

When we woke up people were questioning us, asking where we had gone last night. "I'm so good at hide n seek right" I was rubbing my lower back a little but it still hurts. We just told them we had secret hiding spots.

"Chan was the last person to be found" San spoke up as he looked at me. I felt like he knew what really happened. My cheeks heated up from his piercing gaze.

I immediately readjusted my turtle neck and looked away. I lightly limped for the first hour of the day but no one seemed to notice so I was fine. Well maybe they noticed but didn't care.

Changbin and Yeosang occasionally giggled at me and mocked my limp. Once I was back to walking properly I hit both of them.

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