wo (Yeosang x Jeongin)

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A part two of ow but fire Is replaced with something else. It's a lot of something else. It's wild and a lot worse. :3

Top Yeosang, bottom Jeongin

Light bondage
Hair pulling

"Finally" Yeosang was giddy and looking in the mirror while shirtless. After a month all the hickies and burn marks were barely visible meaning he can wear regular clothes again. He threw on a shirt and left his room.

As usual Jeongin was wreaking havoc and bothering people. Jeongin was crawling around and chasing people until he got in front of Yeosang.

He slowly looked up as Yeosang bent down to him. "If you don't stop, I'll make it to where you have no choice but to crawl" Yeosang whispered before walking in the kitchen. This made Jeongin nervous but he chose to ignore the 'empty' threat.

A couple minutes later Yeosang was eating as he watched Jeongin continue, he knew what jeongin liked and didn't like so he was already creating a plan. After he was done eating he washed his dish then stood in front of Jeongin again.

He bent down and pulled him up by his hair as he whined. He was now only on his knees. "If you're not in my room in 30 minutes I'll torture you even more" Yeosang whispered as he let go of Jeongins hair and slightly pushing him in the process.

Jeongin was scared now, he didn't want to be punished and he knew he should've listened and chose not to. In a panic he quickly went to Yeosangs room.

He wasn't there so Jeongin on the floor in a corner, he didn't know what to expect. About 10 minutes later he heard a click Yeosang had came out of his bathroom. Scared to look up he kept his head buried in his arms and lap until Yeosang did something.

He squatted down in Front of Jeongin and grabbed him by his hair and made him look up. "Why don't you ever listen" Yeosang was now standing up and pulling Jeongin up by his hair in the process.

"On the bed now" he let go of the others hair and went to lock his door. "Good boy" Yeosang praised, looking back to see Jeongin sitting obediently on the bed.

Yeosang hummed as he pulled out 3 boxes, one bigger than the last. The smallest was glittery blue with a black bow on top. He pulled out lube and 3 condoms from it.

Smirking he went to the second box, it was glittery red with a black bow on top. From this one he pulled out a gag, a blindfold, handcuffs, and ribbon.

Lastly the biggest box. This box was black with a red bow and a blue bow on top. Out of this box came a paddle with a centered star cutout, a cock ring, a bottle of liquid nitrogen, medical gloves, and ointment along with some aspirin.

Jeongin glanced at the table once Yeosang walked away. His eyes widened at all the things and he immediately regretted making the other mad. He jumped up and got on knees in front of Yeosang.

"P-please no, I'll be good from now on. Please please, I'll do a-anything" Yeosang just shook his head in pity and pointed at the bed. "I want you naked when I come back" and with the older left.

Jeongin quickly stripped from all his clothes and got on the bed. He was scared, he didn't like half of those things. Tears started brimming his eyes and he was quietly whispering the word sorry to himself.

This was the second time this had happened and apparently he didn't learn. He just stayed on the bed waiting for Yeosang to return and occasionally wiping his eyes to prevent tears from actually falling.

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