Pearl boy ( Wooyoung x Han)

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Han decides not to tell Wooyoung about his condition before they do the did. It surprises Wooyoung, and he likes a little too much on the mist of it.

Top Wooyoung, bottom Han


Hans POV

"I'm nervous" I mumbled to myself as I wait for Wooyoung to arrive. I mean maybe I should've told him? But then where's the fun in that. To be honest I'm just glad it doesn't hurt to do anymore, really if anything it feels good to do and it's helpful. For me, I benefit from it.

I paced around my living room until I heard the door click. I immediately stopped and my eyes fixated on the boy entering and shutting the door. He was so beautiful, I loved my boyfriend ever so much and felt bad I never gave him pleasure the way he wanted. Today was different though, I'd give in.

I walked up to Wooyoung and pushed some red locks out of his face and kissed his forehead. I lock hands with the red head as he shuts the door, "u-um" I could feel myself faltering under him already.

"I-i know I've been c-closed off b-but I'm ready to g-give you my body". Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, unlocking our fingers to take off his shoes and jacket. "What was that again", my face grew star red seeing as I had to repeat it. "I- ugh.... I i-i want to have sex finally".

You could see Wooyoung's whole demeanor change. That wasn't woo anymore but Sir jung. Granted I've had sex with woo but it was years ago. We were scared as well and stopped for my well-being but I feel like I'm holding us back.

I want to pleasure him, I want him to use me. "I want you in the room and undressed by the time I get in there" he spoke in a low voice sending shivers down my spine.

"Yes sir" I quickly ran to the room and undressed clearing the bed and getting on it. I sat down vibrating with excitement as he walked in the room finally. I shuddered as his nails grazed the skin of my shoulder. Wooyoung wrapped his hand around my neck making me let out a small whine. He pushed me onto my back as he undid his pants with one hand.

I gulped feeling out lower bodies press together. "Please do something" I whined while grinding up against him. "What's my name of the day" Wooyoung stroked my cheek before striking it. "S-sir" I moaned out as he nodded in response. "Jisung turn around now" I immediately turned around.  His hands wrapped around my hips to pull my ass in the air.

Wooyoung's POV

I watched as Han's body twitched to the sound of me opening up lube. I dropped some on my fingers and tossed the bottle somewhere in the room. I put my dry hand on his lower back and used my lubed fingers to slide into his hole.

Han flinched with a moan at the sudden intrusion. He moaned again as I added a second finger. Han pushed back as I thrusted my digits into him and occasionally grazing my nails against his prostate. "C-close" han choked out.

I knew what was coming, I missed it so much. I sped up and upped my digits in him, now curling with every thrust inward. I cupped his cock in my free hand and slowly stroked. You could feel the build up, I felt it forming and knotting or well lumping.

Han let out a loud whine and released. His eyes glistened as I flipped him over onto his back. "Um" he went shy, blushing like a little kid that just asked out. Han shifted on the bed to where he was sitting up and looking at me. "Oh how I missed this" I whispered loud enough for him to hear. "Wa-it what, y- y-you liked the pearls", he was dumbstruck.

Nodding I picked up 4 pearls, "yea, it's helpful for us and I still get to taste your sweetness" I licked a pearl while looking at him. Han blushed while putting the rest of the pearls on the nightstand. "Ok" in one go I pulled down my pants and boxers and got in front of Han. I slowly pushed my cock into him while he whined. I waited to bottom out and make sure he's ok before I started moving.

Third POV

Han whines as Wooyoung pulls out until it's just his tip. He slams back into him earning a loud moan. "What's my name" Wooyoung had a wild look on his face as he sped up his thrusts. "W-woo" Han whined out but Wooyoung slapped his face. "Nnngh, s-sir Sir" Han's voice hiked up in volume.

Woo leaned down to kiss his now reddened and puffier cheek. "You look so good, face more puffy than it could ever get". Han moaned at the compliment while shaking his head. "No?, but you're so beautiful like this doll" Wooyoung spoke as he struck Hans leg.

"Ngh- I'm going" Han tried to huff out a warning through his moans and heavy breathing. Wooyoung stopped what he was doing and pulled out. "N-no" Han shot his head up a bit mad. "No?" Wooyoung said cocking an eyebrow at the other.

Han gulped and scooted back on the bed but was stopped by Wooyoung pulling him in by the thighs. "I didn't mean it-", Wooyoung cut him off with a slap on the leg again but a different spot. "Please, I need this" Han looked up at Wooyoung with pleading eyes. He clasped his hands together and switched his position to be on his knees.

"Off the bed now" Wooyoung commanded. Han quickly got off the bed, almost falling as he got on the floor yet on his knees once again. "Beggars can't be on choosers princess" Wooyoung looked down at the boy in front of him. "Suck", Han nodded and took the other member into his mouth.

The first few seconds were gagging but eventually turned into moaning. Woo had Han's hair in his hand and was basically face fucking him at this point. Wooyoung had both his hands on either side of Hans face to hold his head still while thrusting. Han had his hands wrapped around Wooyoung's wrists for support and locked his jaw to open as wide as he could.

Sticking out his tongue to let it glide across the shaft. His shaky moans vibrated his mouth and bounced off the cock making Wooyoung groan a couple of times. Han tried to hollow out his cheeks as much as possible sensing the other was close. A whine was let out as Han felt himself leaking. With no warning Wooyoung gripped the sides of Hans face and thrusted all the way in before releasing in the back of his mouth.

As Han took time to swallow he started cumming as well. Even after swallowing pearls were still popping out. "Hyunggg" han whined as it felt like too much. He was starting to feel a bit too overstimulated. Wooyoung went to go make them a bath and come back.

They were still shooting out but it slowed down. Han had tears streaming down his red and fluffy cheeks. "Oh- , ok let's get you cleaned up" Wooyoung scooped him off the floor and they both got in the bath. A couple minutes later it stopped, pearls were sitting at the bottom of the tub.

"So that's what happens when you hold it in" Wooyoung chuckled out as he wiped away Hans tears and kissed his lips softly. "I don't wanna hold it in anymore" Han leaned against Wooyoung's chest as he bathed him. "You won't have to, you have me, you can be my little slut again"

Wooyoung finished cleaning Han then cleaned himself. Han watched as Wooyoung got out of the bath and left the room to get clothes. He scooped the pearls out of the tub and set them on the counter when he got out. When Wooyoung came back Han was on the bed wrapped up in a towel. Wooyoung dressed them both in comfy clothes. The two agreed to exchange the pearls for money on the weekend.

Han erupted into a fit of giggles when woo showered him in kisses and compliments. Wooyoung fed Han some ramen and they listened to music afterwards. Dancing as if they were the only two in the world, lost in each other's company.

The way a relationship should feel...


I actually loved this. Ugh it's based off a manhwa I want to read so bad. I haven't read it yet so I was writing on a whim but I know how the story goes. I hope my lovely spider lilies loves this as much I did.
Pearl boy, have you read it??

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