3rd time's a charm (leeknow x Seungmin)

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Seungmin had been ignoring leeknows advances these past two times but today he finally gave into him.


Leeknow knocked on Seungmins door and entered once he got permission. "S-seungmin" leeknow stuttered out, Seungmin already knew what was going to be asked.

"Do you want to know why I keep rejecting you" leeknow immediately nodded.

There was a moment of silence before Seungmin broke the tension "I'm a virgin" he mumbled out, a bit embarrassed and not wanting eye contact.

"I would be more than happy to fix that for you Minnie" leeknow said, pulling Seungmin up by his waist.

Seungmin slowly analyzed leeknow's face glancing past his eyes until he speaks up. "Can I Minnie" Seungmin nods "I need words, real words baby" leeknow softly spoke.

The other finally spoke up "p-please fuck me" Seungmin said shyly but desperation clearly in his voice.

Seungmin had wanted leeknow for a while and when he first asked he rejected him because it caught him by surprise.

But when he rejected leeknow for the second time it was because he was scared. What if leeknow changed his mind after finding out that Seungmin was a virgin and inexperienced.

Leeknow smiled at him trying to be confident. Still smiling leeknow undressed himself and then Seungmin but leaving his shirt on knowing he's a bit self conscious about his chest.

Leeknow applied lube on fingers then inserted one into Seungi. The cold gel caught Seungmin fully off guard making him moan and arch his back.

Seungmin looked at leeknow before shyly looking away and speaking "a-add another" so leeknow did just that and was slowly thrusting his fingers.

"I'll be gentle okay?" Leeknow spoke softly, not wanting to hurt Seungmin but "pl-please don't be gentle the w-whole time" Seungmin was slightly still moaning out his words. This surprised leeknow that he didn't want his first time to be too gentle.

Regardless of what Seungmin said he still went gentle (for the most part). Leeknow pulled his fingers out making Seungmin whine a little.

He got between his legs and lined his shaft with the entrance. "You ready" "hurry u-" Seungmin let out a loud moan, he was cut off by leeknow thrusting into him.

Seungmins eyes widened as he looked at leeknow, he felt like he was about to rip. "W-wait it hurts, h-how are you this bi-ig" Seungmin stuttered out.

Leeknow just chuckled at him and pulled out until it was just his tip in "I'm going to slowly push in ok" Seungmin quickly nodded.

As he pushed inside the other under him was softly moaning and moving a little "there's no way lee" Seungmin breathed out as it felt like it just kept going and going.

Once he was fully in Seungmin bit his lip and grinded against leeknow signaling he was ready. Leeknow slowly started thrusting in and out of the younger as he moaned and whined out his name.

"You're doing so well baby" leeknow watched as Seungmins moans got louder with each praise."You take me in with so much ease" Seungmin shuddered and tightened around these words.

Leeknow added a bit more speed watching the boy under him arch a little and leave his mouth slightly agape. One hand in Seungmins hair and the other hand on his waist. His nails were slightly digging into the skin to hold him still. "Faster" Leeknow obeyed and sped up some more.

Seungi started drooling and was clenching around the shaft more, he was close. His eyes glistened while old tears trailed out and new ones coated his eyes. Without warning leeknow leaned deep inside him and shot his load.

Hearing the low groan against his ear Seungmin almost immediately came after the older. A loud moan ran past his lips as leeknow pulled out of him and sat him up.

"You did such a good job for your first time" Leeknow said while breathing heavily. Seungmin blushed at this sentence and looked away.

Leeknow helped the younger clean himself up as he continued to praise him and tell him he did a good job. Leeknow finished cleaning Seungmin and got both of them in clothes.

"How are you feeling" leeknow said as he rubbed the nails marks he accidentally left on his waist. "Don't worry I liked the marks you made" Seungmin said, wobbly in front of the mirror with his shirt showing the marks leeknow made.

"I loved it and I'm not too sore" Seungmin smiled "I won't be this easy next time " leeknow laughed as the others smiled immediately went to a frown.

For the rest of the day Seungmin needed helped walking. No one questioned it but deep down they all figured he finally had sex just didn't know who he did it with.


I'm sorry if this one is somewhat short.
Posted this at 5am😭😭

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