guns and roses (Felix x Leeknow)

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Leeknow decides to bother Felix while he was on the game with friends. In the end only one of them regrets it and learns their lesson and does not do it again.

Boy pussy


Leeknow's POV

I walked into the room to see Felix on the game like always. I put my head on his shoulder and watched him play a bit until I felt him kiss my cheek. I stood up straight and looked at him.

"Can we fuck" I said, catching him completely off guard. "Lee, I'm on the phone" Felix said sternly. After that you could hear chattering on his phone. "Hi min" "hi leelee" "don't mess us up" you could hear three different voices greeting leeknow it was Chan, Hyunjin, and seungmin.

They all knew that I was up to no good. "Hi guys, can I at least sit on your lap" I asked directing the last part as Felix as i looked at him. "Ugh fine" Felix backed his chair up to let me get on his lap.

Our chests were pressed together and my head was on his shoulder so I wasn't in the way. Every time he would die or almost mess up he'd shift making our lower parts rub against each other.

After Felix moved again I accidentally whined quietly in his ear. Luckily it was only loud enough for him to hear. He looked at me then went back to his game. After that happened it gave me an idea. I slowly started grinding on him. At first he thought I was just repositioning myself until he realized I wasn't stopping.

"Stop" Felix said quietly. I just groaned in response and kissed his neck. I slowly felt his bulge get harder as I sped up my pace. I was biting my lip hard to prevent any loud sounds from escaping my lips. He grabbed my hips making me stop.

"You know what, guys why don't leeknow play for me instead" Felix said as he turned me around to face the screen. "Yea, I like playing with leelee" Seungmin said as the other two agreed. "F-fine" I slowly picked up the controller and started playing.

I could barely focus because I was still horny and was grinding against Felix. "Really? Alright" Felix said as he stood me up. He took off my pants and underwear before pulling me back onto his lap. I was nervous now, he started feeling about me.

Caressing my inner thighs lightly makes me whine a little. Right when he was about to push a finger into my cunt something stopped him. "What's this" he whispered to himself, sticking three fingers inside of me to pull it out. I whimpered softly as he pulled it out of me.

"S-sorry guys I h-hAve a headache" I quickly tried to explain. Felix flashed the small dildo in front of me before tossing it on the bed. In that short amount of time I managed to help the team and get some kills.

"What the fuck Chan, you're distracting Hyun- JIN" as I was finishing that sentence Felix pulled me down and slammed into my cunt. "Are you ok minho" Seungmin sounding concerned for me, he should be. A moment of silence danced around while I adjusted to Felix.

"Yea, m-my headache just randomly spikes up and down" I swallowed thickly before looking at Felix. "You don't need to play, should lay down really" Chan spoke softly. "Nonsense, he's very capable, isn't that right baby" Felix grabbed my waist as a small smirk turned into a maniac grin.

I huffed and turned back to the game. At first the thrusts were slow and somewhat easy to ignore. I was abled to focus on the game but I eventually got needy. I understand we could be caught or whatever but this man was going painfully slow ok.

I pushed back against Felix and let out a quiet whine. Felix let out a low chuckle making me physically shiver to where he felt it as well. Grip around my waist slightly tightened as he thrusts gradually began to be faster. I bit my lip to suppress my whining and moaning.

The game was almost over, I just had to hold a bit longer. "You're doing so good love" Felix whispered in my ear before planting a hickey on my neck. Fuck this. I let out a loud moan while setting the controller down.

"What the fuck" Hyunjin was the first to inquire about the noise that just disturbed his ears. "Sorry guys, I'll text later ok" Felix laughed hearing the three boys ramble about the moans as he quit the game and turned it off.

"There we go" Felix turned me so that we're face to face. I kissed him leaving no room for air. Rubbing tongues and mixing saliva I tasted blood. Blood, wtf. I touched my lip. Bit down too hard for too long and made myself bleed. There was no time for concerns though. Felix once again sped up the pace, but now he was a lot more aggressive.

"W-wait" Felix in fact did not wait. I soon squirted on his member as he shortly released in me. We rode out our highs before relaxing finally. My ears perked up as I heard a notification noise. It came from Felix's phone. It was their group chat.

🎊Honey game and idiotic shame 🎉

What the fuck, did that actually happen

Now I'm no professional of the arts- but I'm pretty I heard a couple of moans

😸Caught, you heard the fwop sfx and all

Y'all are nasty

Luckily we still won though

We'll call in about an hour or so

I don't want to hear anything when we get there

Me and Felix erupted in laughter after reading the messages. After a while too calm down Felix finally texted them back.

Yes father Chan and mother Hyunjin

He sat his phone down to stand me up. I whined as I felt empty once again. Felix bathed me and we changed. luckily he didn't badly damage me so I could still walk and function ok.

"Ugh, they're gonna be rowdy" I huffed out while Felix just chuckled in response. We took a quick nap before the three arrived. Everyone stayed up all night just talking and playing games or watching movies and shows.

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