new year (Bangchan x Mingi)

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Aren't you tired of esex and long distance dating, Mingi and Chan has a yearly meet up to see each other and catch up on life.

Top Bangchan, bottom Mingi

Pet names
Light bondage
Wax play
Ice play
Fire play
Food play


Bangchan knocked on the door before entering the house. "Miss me", he closed his eyes and braces for impact as someone ran towards him. Mingi jumped on him knocking them both outside. "Babe", Mingi wrapped his legs around Bangchan's waist as he was carried inside.

"I missed you", he put his head on Chan's shoulder. Chan kissed his cheek as he locked the door and set him down. "I've already pulled out everything we might need", Mingi giggled as he pulled Bangchan to the bedroom.

Chan looked at the desktop seeing a lovely amount of things. He saw plain lube, pineapple lube, a dildo, vibrators, a gag, rope, a blindfold, ointment, ice, a lighter, sounding rod box, a flogger, a paddle, and other things. A couple things he didn't even recognize, it was new, a surprise from Mingi.

"So", Mingi fidgeted with his own hair. "Get on the bed love", Bangchan chuckled as Mingi quickly undressed and fell trying to get on the bed. "Ow", Mingi crossed his legs and patiently waited for Chan.

Chan grinned as he picked up the sounding rod first, then the rope, lube, blindfold, and a dildo. Mingi whined as he watched Chan approach him with the rod. "Really, this is torture man", he groaned.

Chan looked him up and down, "man?", he mumbled. "U-uh, I mean sir- o-or d-daddy", Mingi looked down into his lap. "Master or Sir Chris", Chan smiled placing a hand on Mingi's chest to lay him back. Mingi nodded and  laid back with a tense sigh.

Chan set the things down and put on matte black gloves before picking up the rod. He wrapped a hand around Mingi's semi hard cock and touched the rod to tip. "I'll be gentle for now", Chan slowly pushed the rod in Mingi's uretha and payed close attention to how he moved and bit his lip. Once that was finally done Mingi sat up and huffed with Chan touching his slightly red and puffed bottom lip. "Tsk, shouldn't have bit it", Chan grabbed the rope and blindfold next.

He tied Mingis hands behind his back into a simple slip knot and put the blindfold on him. "R-really Sir", Mingi whined as he rocked side to side waiting for Chan. Bangchan chuckled as picked up the lube, "on your back... Slut Songi". Mingi sighed and rolled on his stomach, sticking his ass in the air.

He whimpered as Sir Chris slid two lubed fingers inside his hole. Mingi whined as he got fingered. Moaning and squirming with every other thrust. Chan eventually pulled out making the whine but immediately yelp. He shoved the dildo into Mingi and slowly started fucking him with it.

He bent down to check on Mingi whose cock was twitching and bulging from build up. "S-sir", Mingi moaned as he tried to arch his back even more. Bangchan smirked as sped up his thrusts. He laid Mingi on his side while still fucking him.

He slowly down the thrusts and took hold of the rod with one hand. He sucked his teeth and slowly pulled it. Mingi flinched and whimpered, starting to drool. As soon as it was fully out he immediately came, and came a lot. He panted and curled into a ball halfway once Chan finally pulled out the dildo. He sat Mingi up and caressed his red and wet cheeks.

"How do you feel Mr Song", he watched as tears slowly seeped through the blindfold. He wasn't going to stop if nothing was wrong. Mingi took a deep breath, "i-i d-dont like th-the blindfold, I w-want to see y-you", he slowly spoke through soft hiccups. Bangchan took the blindfold off of him and chuckled. "Big baby", he kissed Mingi on the cheek before walking away to the desk. Mingi calmed down, eyes slightly puffy but still functional.

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