strip or dare (Leeknow x Seonghwa

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They wanted to make truth or dare more interesting so they decided on the party game strip or dare.


Leeknow sighed as he put down his phone and looked at Seonghwa. "Hmm" Seonghwa hummed looking at leeknow and putting his phone down as well. "Let's do something" leeknow sat up taking his head off the others lap.

"Like what" Seonghwa tilted his head. "Truth or dare- wait no, STRIP or dare" leeknow was getting a little too happy about it but Seonghwa didn't really question it, he should've.

Seonghwa just agreed because he didn't have an excuse or any other ideas. "You go first" Seonghwa said he repositioned himself to be criss crossed. "Ok strip or dare" "um dare" Seonghwa already regretted his choice.

"I dare you to yell that you're a furry " Seonghwa immediately took off his tank top revealing his milky skin and light abs. "I dare you to call Wooyoung in here and slap him" "WOOYOUNG" Leeknow yelled. 2 minutes later Wooyoung came in.

"Come here" leeknow tried to keep a straight face. Once woo got close enough leeknow lightly slapped him. "Hae! What was that for-" Wooyoung was about to throw a fit but Leeknow stopped him.

"It was a dare" he pointed to Seonghwa who was waving at them. Wooyoung just flipped both of them off and slammed the door as he left. "Ok" Seonghwa giggled out "what's my dare".

Leeknow hummed "hmmm what about... Uhm give someone a kiss" "does it matter where" Seonghwa questioned "mm nah" leeknow shook his head. Seonghwa left the room and came back 5 seconds later. He walked up to leeknow and gave him a kiss on the forehead then sat down.

"I dare you to take off two pieces of clothing " Hwa huffed out. Leeknow took off his pants and shirt leaving him in just boxers. "I dare you to take off the rest of your clothes" leeknow said while rolling his eyes.

"Don't look bozo" Seonghwa said as he got up to take off his clothes. Leeknow peeked, seeing his smooth legs and pale ass. He quickly shut his eyes as he saw the other start to move. "Ok" Seonghwa said.

When Leeknow opened his eyes Seonghwa had a pillow on his lap to cover himself up. "Take off your boxers bitch" Seonghwa slowly said.

Leeknow got off the bed, made direct eye contact and held it with Seonghwa as he pulled off his boxers slowly. Seonghwa on the other hand couldn't focus, he kept glancing at him up and down, looking at his smooth arms and a quick peek at his member.

Seconds later Seonghwa felt himself blushing and screwed his eyes shut. Leeknow finished up taking off his boxers and got on the bed. He was right in front of Seonghwa, he snatched the pillow and threw it making the other open his eyes quickly and flinch at what he was seeing.

Seonghwa's face went rosey pink at the sight before him. Leeknow was directly in front of him with their lips inches apart. "L-leeknow" Seonghwa couldn't focus. His eyes darted all over the other's body, glancing at his perfectly shaped pecs.

"You're so pretty, all shy like this" leeknow looked down noticing how Seonghwa twitched at the compliment. His legs unconsciously unraveled letting leeknow get in between them.

"Are you scared" leeknow's hot breath fanned over Seonghwa's neck making him shudder and audibly whine. "Oh" a smirk swiped over leeknow's face as he looked at the boy under him.

"Do you want to continue" Leeknow looked at Seonghwa not moving until he got consent. "Y-yes" Seonghwa looked at Leeknow. "Yes, please fuck me, quickly jeez" Seonghwa was getting a bit desperate and annoyed. Omg what happened to the real Seonghwa who was sassy and mean.

Without word Leeknow pulled Seonghwa by the thighs and looked down at him. Leaning down he put two fingers over the others entrance. "Can't wait to mess you up" with that Seonghwa yelped as the two fingers slid into him.

He gasped at the suddeness and tears formed in his eyes because fingers were dry. "I know baby, give it a couple minutes ok" Leeknow kisses Seonghwa's forehead and rubbed his back while slowly fingering him. The sniffles eventually turned into moaning.

"You're doing good" Leeknow bit Seonghwa's neck as his fingers moved faster. A whine was let out once the youngers hole went empty. Leeknow positioned Seonghwa over his lap and slowly pulled down.

When it was half way in they stopped. "Whew, ok a-all at once ok" Seonghwa huffed out and leeknow nodded in response. With one loud sigh Seonghwa was pulled all the way down and he let out a yelp.

"Never doing that again, you can move" Seonghwa put his hands on the others shoulders. I guess slow wasn't in Leeknow's action list because he thrusting fast in the beginning. Seonghwa was basically an instant mess. The uncontrollably moaning and his nails into the latter shoulders while proceeding to drag them down his back.

Leeknow only got more hype from the pain, he loved it. Seonghwa grabbed Leeknow's hair and pulled him in for a sloppy kiss. The older moaning into the kiss from his being pulled and having Seonghwa bite his bottom lip momentarily.

"Fah- f-faster" Seonghwa moaned out. Leeknow sped up, his tip basically punching and abusing the others prostate. Even occasionally going deeper and brushing past. Maxing out how much he can drain Seonghwa in one go.

He was underestimated considering he released before him. His hot liquid swelling up in Seonghwa and slowly oozing out along with his member. Just a few light thumb swipes over his tip and Seonghwa was gushing like a shaken up champagne bottle.

"You have to bathe me bitch" Seonghwa lazily spoke as he hunched against Leeknow's shoulder. Leeknow drew a bath for the both of them and they got in. Seonghwa lightly chuckled "oops", in the palm of his hand were 4 strands of hair.

"Hmm" Leeknow sighed heavily and washed the latter. "It'll come back" he rinsed out Seonghwa's hair and helped him out of the tub. "Well come on, I'll baby you" Seonghwa said while encasing himself in a towel.

Leeknow slid on a fresh pair of boxers and took Seo to his room. Seonghwa was put in boxers and baggy pants. He huffed as he pulled the drawstrings tight and climbed onto the bed.

"Come here you big baby" Leeknow plopped his head on Seonghwa's chest. A yawn jumped out from the two as Seonghwa rubbed leeknow's back and hummed quietly. Eventually the taller dozed off and the shorter hums turned to quiet snores.

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