⭐ethereal woosang

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Sex isn't everything we love compliments.

Wooyoung + Yeosang


"How pretty am I", Yeosang inquired as he sat on his lovers lap. Wooyoung looked at him and pecked his cheek, "you're ethereal love". Yeosang smiled, "explain", he let out a quiet giggle and leaned against Wooyoung chest.

"I would move the heavens and earth for you", Wooyoung smiled but Yeosang rolled his eyes. "Yea I haven't that before", Yeosang mumbled. Wooyoung huffed, "well describe me and your love for me since it's so easy". Yeosang nodded and looked away for a moment.

He looked at the confused boy under him and just smiled. "You're very beautiful, if I died right now today I'd tell the angels to send me back because I can't be without you even in the afterlife. Your eyes are like perfect pools of my favorite honey.

Your cheeks are softer than wool yet paler than cotton. Your lips soothe my mind every time I make contact with them. They are plump and solid yet soft and cushiony.... Want me to continue", Yeosang looked away with a small sigh and smile.

Wooyoung's face was red and his mouth was slightly open. "I- uh-uhm I", Woo kept stuttering not knowing what to say. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Before Wooyoung could open his eyes again he felt Yeosang lips on his. He put his hands on Yeosang's hips as he kissed back. Their lips gently pressed together like a finished puzzle.

When Yeosang pulled away Wooyoung slightly pouted making him giggle. "I love you", Yeo smiled and brushed a strand of hair behind Woo's ear. "I love you too", the red on Woo's face started to finally fade.

Wooyoung sighed and smiled at Yeosang. "Ok..... Um no angels could compare to you- actually the only angel known earth and in heaven is you. You're the reason behind dark and gloomy days because the sun is jealous knowing it can't be as bright and beautiful as you.

My love for you is longer then this galaxy and next one over. I have to restrain myself anytime I'm with you as to not ruin your natural beauty. Your eyes aren't blue but brighter than any diamond I've ever seen. Your smile is more perfect than a symmetric circle that was hand drawn.

I'm grateful to have you in my life or else I would probably be drowning in dirt or water still... Till the after life and reincarnation Kang Yeosang.", Wooyoung chuckled as he watched Yeosangs eyes widened and cheeks turn pink within every word.

"You are ethereal", Yeosang hit Wooyoung's chest as he finally snapped out of his thoughts. "What did I do", Wooyoung giggled as he hugged the other. For the rest of the night they tried to make one more embarrassed than the other with showers of compliments. They danced and talked enjoying each other's company, deeply in love with the other.

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