beads (Leeknow x Hongjoong)

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Leeknow wants to try something new on Hongjoong, which is stuffing him.

Top Leeknow, bottom Hongjoong

Anal beads


"U-um are you sure this will all fit", Hongjoong the things in front of him. There were 4 egg toys, a string of anal with 4cm diameter, and another string with a diameter of 2cm. Leeknow lifted Hongjoong's face by the chin and smiled. "You will be ok love, just tell me when to stop ok", leeknow brushed loose hairs out of Hongjoong's face.

Hongjoong slowly nodded and got on the empty bed. Leeknow grabbed an egg and put lube on it, lathering it up. "Ready?", Hongjoong slowly nodded as he propped his legs up. Leeknow slowly pushed the egg in, watching as the others face scrunched up, biting his lip.

Leeknow chuckled as he turned it on a low vibration. Hongjoong moaned and his legs jolted slightly. Leeknow added in another one with low vibration. He put Hongjoong on his lap and kissed his cheek. "O-ok", Hongjoong whined as he watched leeknow grab the 6cm beads. He slowly pushed one in, then another.

He watched as Hongjoong's face scrunched and whine with each bead slipping inside. "W-wait fuck-", Hongjoong panted against Leeknow's shoulder. He shook his head before waving then nodding and grabbing an egg. He arched his back and placed one hand on Lee's shoulder while using the other to push the egg in. It immediately turned on to medium vibration.

He whimpered as he slowly started to leak. "I-im full, i-i don't think it's a-all going to f-fit", he whined as he lazily looked up. "Of course it will love, you've delt with bigger", Leeknow smirked as he grabbed the last egg and harshly shoved it in. The shorter jolted with a loud moan and squirted on his own chest.

"Tsk", Leeknow sat Hongjoong on the bed and got up. He handed him the second string of beads and sat across from him on the bed. "Come here love", Hongjoong slowly crawled towards him, still clutching the beads. "Put those in and suck me off", Leeknow grinned maniacally as Hongjoong shyly nodded.

He wrapped a hand around Leeknow's shaft and licked the tip before going all the way. He slowly pushed the beads in as he rapidly sucked. Leeknow ran his fingers through Hongjoong's hair before grabbing the back and controlling his movements.

He used the hand full of hair to direct his movements and speed. Hongjoong finally got the last of the beads in and he was a moaning mess that could barely hold up. His legs were wobbly and his jaw was getting sore.

Leeknow ran his free hand down Hongjoong's torso to his stomach and pushed lightly. "Push", Leeknow whispered as he applied pressure on the stomach. Hongjoong moaned against his shaft as he began pushing.

Hongjoong lifted his head to catch his breath quickly. "M-my stomach hurts", he whined as a egg started to come out. He moaned as it popped out and he was leaking once more. Another one pushed out as he dick twitched slightly.

He screwed his eyes shut as he forced out the last two and came for a second time. He panted and opened his eyes to look at Leeknow. As soon as he opened his eyes Leeknow shot his load on his face. The substance glazed his lips and cheeks, a little bit even sitting prettily on his eyelashes.

"Fuck", he whispered as the other grabbed both strings. Leeknow yanked the beads pulling them out in one quick movement and making Hongjoong release for a third time. He whined as he flipped to lay on his back. "You did a great job and held up love", Leeknow pecked his forehead and picked him up off the bed.

"I'm not too sore luckily", Hongjoong swished his hand over the side of the tub and into the warm water. Hongjoong yawned hearing the sounds of running water slowly stop. Leeknow put him in the tub and joined, sitting behind him. "Someone's sleepy", Leeknow chuckled as Joong yawned again and leaned back against his chest.

Leeknow quickly clean them both and dressed them. He changed the sheets and covers but once he was done Hongjoong was sleep on the floor. He sighed and picked him up then put him on the bed under covers. Leeknow turned the lights off and joined his lover in bed. His kissed his forehead before going to sleep himself.

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