sassy (Hongjoong x Han)

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Han is giving everyone sass so Hongjoong puts him in his place with his own dominant sassiness. It leads to something else.

Top Hongjoong, bottom Han


Han has been giving everyone sass all day and someone has yet to put him in check. He was currently in his room so Hongjoong was going to go see what was wrong.

Joong walked into the room and locked the door behind him. "Alright what's wrong" Hongjoong said as he sat on the bed. Han sneered at him "nothing" he said sassily while rolling his eyes and laying down.

{Hongjoong POV}

"Stop it" I said while scooting next to him. "What, stop what" han huffed. He knew what he was doing, he only got super sassy for my attention. I poked his side making him jump.

He turned to face me as I laid down next to him. "Get out" han says hesitantly. I smirk a little "why" I questioned him, "because I don't want you in here" he replied turning away from me.

I silently pulled him towards by the waist. Then I started rubbing my thumbs in a small circular motion on his hips making him scoot back more against me.

"So much for kicking me out huh" I smirk, "s-shut up" han said bumping his head against my shoulder.

I slowly slid one of my hands into his boxers and cupped his cunt before slipping a finger inside. Han immediately let out a soft moan and grinded against my hands and this made his ass rub against my cock simultaneously.

At some point I added two more fingers, thrusting in and out and curling inside him. He looked slutty already with his mouth slightly open and moaning quietly in my ear as fingered him. "F-fuck" was all he could say as he came on my finger.

I pulled fingers out and licked them a little then slid off my pants and boxers. Han sat up to get on my legs.

He made eye contact as he slowly bent down and started to kitten licking my tip before unexpectedly taking my whole cock in one go.

I groaned from surprise movement. As han sucked me he grinded against my leg as if he was in heat. His bobbing slowly sped up and I grabbed his hair to push his mouth further down each time.

Before I knew I came in his mouth. I hurried and sat up, it scared me when I saw him swallow it, like all of it. "Wait" I whisper  yelled. "It's ok I've done that before" he says  calming me down.

Han then straddles my lap and sinks down onto my shaft making me groan a little. He was bouncing slowly but I already felt near again, hearing his soft moans always took over my mind.

I managed to hold it in until he squirted all over my dick I came from his cunt clenching around me as he squirted.

"You seem a bit needy tonight" I moan out because han didn't stop riding me. "J-just one more" Han moans as his riding speeds up.

I firmly grip his waist and roughly but slowly thrust into him over and over turning him into a moaning mess. I pull his body close to shower him with dark hickies all over his neck and chest.

About ten minutes later Han had came once again but I didn't so I pulled out and laid him on his back. I lightly sat on his chest and started jerking off while maintaining eye contact.

He stuck his tongue out for me. I came, warm strings of cum decorating his face as he licked up whatever hit his tongue and lips. I took a bath with him then changed and carried him to my room.

"We can clean your sheets tomorrow" I said cuddling him. Han smiled against me chest " I need new ones anyways" "someone isn't sassy anymore I see" "you emptied it out of me" han giggled. I kissed his cheek and held him until he fell asleep.

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