⭐ touch me Jeongin x Seungmin

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What a torture to be exposed yet untouched

Seungmin whined as he got on the bed sitting against the headboard. "I-im sorry, I promise I w-wont do it again, p-please", Jeongin ignored his pleas while cuffing his arms to the board.

"I know you won't love, I'm just taking precautions to make sure", Jeongin flashed a cocky smile and got off the bed. He looked at Seungmin who was squirming and whining. Jeongin slowly undressed in front of Seungmin watching as his eyes followed closely with each hand movement.

"Oh so you like to watch me hm", Seungmin whined as he jingled the clamps. Jeongin got back on the bed hovering over Seungmin. He fanned his breath over Seungmins cheeks and neck stopping at his lips. He pulled back before Seungmin could lean forward though.

He ghosted his touch down the others torso, fanning his breath on his inner thighs and base. "Please touch me", Suengmin whined and wiggled.  Jeongin lightly caressed his inner thigh making him twitch with a small moan. Seungmins eyes started to water, "pl-please". Jeongin smiled and sat up in front of him.

"Let's give you a show", he smirked as he picked up his vibrator. He quietly gulped while looking at it then putting lube on it. Jeongin placed it at his own entrance and pushed in. "Fuck", he quietly moaned before letting it go.

"I haven't used this in a while", he smiled grabbing the remote and looking at a desperate Seungmin. Seungmins eyes were glistening and round, "n-no let me". Seungmin kept whining but that only pushed Jeongin more. "I love you", Jeongin smirked as he started fucking himself with the vibrator.

He straddled Seungmins lap and smiled at him. He moaned in Seungmins ear as he grinded against the vibrator and Seungmins leg. Seungmin whined as Jeongin grinded against thigh. He whimpered and cried.

"Jeongin, pl-please I'll be good", Jeongin lazily looked up at Seungmin with his mouth open and turned up the vibration. He leaned forward and kissed the other, his moans being swallowed by the kiss. Seungmin bit his lip making him wince.

"H-have you learned y-your l-lesson", Jeongin started leaking, eyes secretly pleading for a release. Seungmin quickly nodded and whimpered. "Too bad I cant- hELP", Jeongin jolted slightly as he squirted on Seungmins lap. He pulled out the vibrator and turned it off.

"Don't touch me", Seungmin nodded and Jeongin unchained him. "Are you ok", Jeongin cooed then looked down. Seungmin had slowly came. He blushed and shyly nodded. "I'm s-sorry", he softly whined.

"Behave and I'll help you later", Seungmin slowly nodded with pouty lips. They cleaned up and Seungmin obeyed Jeongin for the rest of the day, doing everything as he say.

"C-can I be rewarded n-now", Seungmin stood in front of Jeongin fidgeting. "Of course come here my lovely bitch", Jeongin smirked as he pulled Seungmin on him. Seungmin straddled Jeongin's lap and lightly grinded against it.

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