picnic (Yunho x Seungmin)

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While having a lovely picnic in a empty area Seungmin decides to seduce and tease Yunho, little does he knows is that it's going to back fire.

Top Yunho, bottom Seungmin

Fast prep
No immediate aftercare

Seungmin was nervous but he loved teasing, especially in public. It was like he was testing his limit to see how far the other would go. Just thinking about it made Seungmin giggle and his face flush pink.

"What's funny puppy" Yunho said, pulling Seungi out his thoughts. Seungmin shook his head and kissed Yunhos hand as they pulled up to the picnic spot. They set up the picnic and sat down.

Seungmin had on a jacket with nothing under it, same for pants. "It's hot" Seungmin let out a playful whine. "Take off your jacket" Yunho while looking at him. Seungmin gulped slightly and started to unzip his jacket but was stopped.

"Are you serious, right now" Yunho looked at the other bare chest then looked at how hard he was blushing. The younger just bit his lip and tried to take his jacket off. "Stop. Come here puppy"  Yunho yanked Seungmin onto his lap and held him by the waist.

"U-um wait-" Seungmin stopped as he felt Yunho's cold hands slide in his pants. He shuddered at the chill feeling. "No underwear either" Yunho cocked an eyebrow as he slid his hand on the others ass and squeezed it. Seungmin bit his lip to retain a whine.

Yunho shook his head and shoved a finger in Seungmins ass making him yelp. "Shhh, you don't want to get caught do you" Yunho smirk as the other looked around slowly. "I-its just us" Seungmin was trying to stay quiet as Yunho thrusted another finger inside him. Seungi leaned his head against Yunho's shoulder to muffle his moans as he started grinding against the fingers.

"Pl-please.. fuh- please f-fuck me" Seungmin slurred out. Yunho smiled and pulled his fingers out making the other actually whine. Yunho sat Seungmin up so he could pull down both their pants and his own boxers to let his member spring free.

"Relax" Yunho whispered as he pulled Seungmin down on his member. A quiet moan rolled off the youngers tongue as he started to ride the other. Yunho held onto Seungmins waist as he bounced up and down gracefully. Yunho grabbed 4 grapes and put 2 on each side of Seungmins cheeks.

"You look so good and full" Yunho watched as Seungmin blushed while chewing. Yunho kissed the younger and was able to faintly taste the grapes from before. "You taste good as well my love" Seungmin looked away.

Yunho took control once he realized how sloppy the other was moving. Yunho was thrusting into Seungmin at a fast pace while groaning into his ear. He could feel Seungmin clench around his member, too far gone to say he was actually close.

Seungmin gripped Yunho's shoulders and whined as he released on both chests. This caught Yunho off guard and he shot his load in Seungmin shortly after. "You did such a good job but never do that again"

Yunho kissed Seungmins cheeks after he pulled both their pants back up. "So much for a calm and lovely picnic" Yunho mumbled as he packed up everything and carried Seungmin into the car.

They ended up having a at-home picnic and watching movies in the living room. Seungmin was only sore for a couple hours luckily. Yunho tended to the both of them as soon as they got home.


Sorry if this a bit.... rushed.

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