powers out (Hyunjin x Hongjoong)

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Hongjoong is scared of the dark so when a random power outage happens he runs to his boyfriend for a distraction and comfort.

Top Hyunjin, bottom Hongjoong

Light choking

Hongjoong ran to their bedroom where Hyunjin was and ran to him. Hyunjin immediately picked him up and carried him around he looked for a candle to light.

He automatically knew what was wrong with his boyfriend. He lit the candle and looked at his boyfriend.

"Are you ok" Hongjoong just shook his head in response. "I'm scared" he quietly said after a while.

"I know but trust me it won't last long, do you want me to distract you" Hyunjin asked as he looked at his boyfriend nodding.

He lit a few candles and turned on a flashlight before setting Hongjoong down onto the bed. He took his pants off along with his boxers, he let him keep his shirt on because it was cold.

Hyunjin kissed Hongjoong's inner thighs, leaving some scattered soft hickies. Hyunjin pulled down his own pants and boxers as he got on his knees.

"Calm down baby" Hyunjin said as he felt Hongjoong sitting up to follow him. Hyunjin got in-between Hongjoong's legs and was looking up at him.

He tilted his head then whined as he felt Hyunjin lick the sensitive parts of his inner thighs.

He pulled him by his thighs so he was on the edge of the bed more. Hyunjins tongue circled around Hongjoongs hole catching him off guard and moaning.

Hyunjins POV

I felt him clenched around my tongue as I slowly pushed it inside him. I swirled my tongue around and thrust it in and out. Occasionally I would curl it with an inward thrust.

I loved the way his moans sounded. They were soft yet shaky, like he wanted to be quiet but couldn't hold back the loud ones.

I eventually felt him getting close so I stopped and pulled my tongue out before standing up. "I was close~" Hongjoong whined, slightly annoyed.

I took his hand in mine, "I don't want to overstimulate you baby" I said before sliding on a condom. I lined my shaft up with his entrance. "Ready" he quickly nodded in response. "Well someone is needy" I said as I slammed into him.

Hongjoong let out a loud moan as his eyes started to glisten almost immediately. He put his hand on my chest to let me know he wasn't ready to start moving yet.

I leaned down to kiss him on the forehead then the tip of his nose. I placed 3 soft pecks on his lips and one on each cheek before sitting up. Hongjoong removed his hand from my chest and slowly nodded to let me move.

I pulled out until it was just my tip in, then quickly thrusted back in. He whined and moaned with each movement. I repeated this pattern, retracting slowly and thrusting back in quickly.

Hongjoong was moaning my name and gripping the bed sheets. I leaned down so he could wrap his hand around my back. "C-cho- choke m-me" Hongjoong managed to moan out. I wrapped one hand around his neck and applied a little pressure making him whine.

With each thrust my grip on his neck tightened and then loosened. I groaned as he dug his nails into my back and dragged them occasionally.

I kissed his forehead once feeling his hole twitch and clench repeatedly, he was getting close, real close. I choked him slightly hard as my thrusts got rougher yet messy.

"Ngh~" Hongjoong let out a loud strained moan as he released on his shirt, a little seeping through and onto his stomach. But I didn't immediately stop so he continued to moan until I came inside the condom.

We rode out our highs before I slowly pulled out and sat him up. I pulled his shirt off and gave him a full body wipe down before doing the same to myself. I changed him into a fresh pair of boxers and fuzzy pants. I put on boxers and some sweatpants.

"I'm going to blow out the candles but I can leave the flashlight on if you want me to ok" I waited for him to nod before doing anything else. "Y-yes" Hongjoong mumbled while watching me move around the room. I blew out the candles and joined him on the bed.

'Cute' he looked so small on the bed by himself, well- smaller than he already his. I kissed his forehead and held him close as we fell asleep peacefully.



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