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Mara, 10, walked into her mother's room. She was dressed in her uniform. She had been appointed as a special guardian to her mother. She was proud of it. She was only ten yet she was able to be seen as something more. A fighter is what she was seen as.

Paul watched from afar. He knew how much his sister was powerful. He knew that ever since she was born she was designed for something greater. Yet he can't even find his "voice".

Lady Jessica watched her daughter walk in the room. She neglected her daughter. Lady Jessica always worked more with Paul and Leto worked more with Mara. She smiled at Mara while Mara kept her cold stare as always.

Duke Leto sat on a chair in the room as he smiled at his daughter. He saw her uniform. He knew how much she wanted this. He knew her potential. Everyone did. Duncan even once told him that Mara was the future of House Atreides.

"It suits you." Paul said as he gave her a small smile. Mara stared at him as she looked down at her suit. The suit that gave her confidence in herself. "i thought so too." Mara said as she went over to Paul and showed her a piece of cloth that gave her some type of protective gear.

Leto and Jessica watched from afar. They looked at each other. One pair of eyes showed worried while the other showed excitement for their daughter.

They knew that they would talk about it later. They knew that their daughter would be something great. And that's what they feared.

Mara would do anything for her family. Even if that meant doing what was necessary. Even if it meant destroying everyone for them.


Everyone ate dinner. Paul was trying to use the voice to command his mother to give him water. Leto tried to see if he could did it but to no avail.

"You are not using the right pitch." Jessica said as she still gave him the water. "Let Mara try." Leto said as he looked at the young girl. Mara looked up from her meal as she chewed. "Hm?" She said as she had her mouth full of food.

"Try it." Jessica said as she looked at her daughter. Mara had took lessons with her mother. She knew what to do but stopped taking lessons with her mother as she wanted to work more with Duncan.

Everyone got silent as Mara closed her eyes. She tried to find the right pitch. Paul stared at his sister. Paul knew that if Mara got it he would have nothing. He meant nothing. Mara knew Paul felt this way.

"gIVe mE tHE WaTER" Mara's voice was distorted as she stared at her mother. However she didn't find the right pitch. Jessica knew she did this on purpose. So did Leto and Paul. Jessica didn't move her body.

"Seems like i used the wrong pitch. Paul is better at me when using the voice it seems." Mara said as she wiped her mouth with a cloth. Jessica just stared at Mara. Jessica was grateful that Mara did what she did.

Paul was also grateful as he smiled and ate his food. Leto also smiled at his daughter's kindness.

She was the Jewel of the family. The apple of everyone's eye.

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