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Mara was standing next to her mother as Paul and Chani stood before some high officials in the Fremen community. Mara seemed bored as she twirled her dagger around her fingers.

Jessica was content with Alia. Mara hated Alia. And Alia knew but never said much to her older sister.

Paul and Chani made the announcement as many Fremen danced and cheered in glee for their leader and his concubine.

Mara saw that Irulan was not there. Mara eyebrows furrowed at Paul and Paul didn't give her a glance. He knew what she was thinking.

Mara was disgusted by all of this but yet she didn't say anything. The moment that everyone went to go up and congregate Paul and Chani, Mara slipped out of the parade.


It was nighttime. Mara looked up at the moon from her room. The way the moon glistened on her would have made men fall in love. But Mara didn't believe in love. She did know how to use it to her advantage though.

Only one person throughout House Corrino could not be charmed by Mara's looks.

Sir Ivan.

He was a soldier. A good one. He never gave her the impression that he liked her. And she never gave the impression that she liked him. However Ivan would act like an older brother to her.

Sir Ivan was 4 years her senior.

Mara was 14 and Ivan was 18.

Mara sometimes enjoyed having him around. Only when some men would try to get with Mara. But Mara knew that Sir Ivan would intervene. She liked him. Only as an older brother.

Mara saw him one day and he was gone the next. Killed in battle. Mara was sad but got over it. Or she thought she did.

Mara didn't hear her mother come in the room. Nor did she feel the tears streaming down her eyes.


Jessica called out. No response. Mara just continued to stare at the moon.

Jessica walked up to her and she placed her hand over Mara's shoulder. Mara finally looked up to see her mother towering over her.

"I was going to say good night before going to bed."


Jessica sighed. She was trying but Mara made it difficult by not trying back. Jessica could see the boredom in her eyes.

"Good night from me and Alia."

Mara rolled her eyes at the name of Alia.

Jessica had enough. She put her foot down.


"I didn't even say anything-"

"Your face says it all. You can disrespect me or Paul but you will not disrespect my daughter. You will not disrespect Alia just because you're mad that I love her more."

Mara stayed silent. Jessica's eyes widened. She didn't mean to go that far.

"I didn't mean-"

"Get out."

Mara's voice was cold.

Jessica knew that all of those steps that she took to get closer to Mara were gone. She was back at square one.

Jessica walked out the bedroom in a huffing manner.


Paul was in his meeting room with some of his inner circle. That included Mara, Lady Jessica, Gurney, Stilgar, Chani, and some other high end Fremen soldiers.

"If we get the world of Aupo to be on our side-"

Paul started his sentence but was cut off by Mara.

"The world of Aupo doesn't exist. Not anymore."

Paul looked at his sister before clearing his throat.

"And how would you know that?"

Paul questioned.

"Can't you see the future to my answer?"

Mara teased in a mocking way. But before Paul could talk Mara spoke over him.

"I know this because i was there. I helped make Aupo an inhabitable world. No crop or person is alive there."

Mara looked down smirking as she covered it up with a cough.

Some of the people in the room murmured to each other. While Mara just stared at Chani. Chani shifted uncomfortably in Mara's presence.

"Then we will get another world to join."

Paul spoke over everyone. Mara stayed quiet as her eyes darkened. The thought of getting a world to kneel before them sent shivers up her spine.

She loved the feeling of having control over worlds. Jessica saw this and looked at Paul. They shared a glance. They both agreed at that moment to let Mara be in the battlefield.

"Go to Pulko. They will bend the knee for you."

Mara suggested. Paul looked at Mara. Gurney looked at Mara. He knew that Pulko was home for the ruthless soldiers.

"That's not a good idea-"

Gurney started. Mara cut him off.

"I was there months ago. They will bend the knee for you. Especially if they see me."

Mara's voice was dark as she looked pleased.

Paul nodded. Maybe his sister could provide some insight.

"Alright. Mara, Gurney, and some others will be the head of the team to go to Pulko."

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