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Mara went to dinner that evening. Acted like nothing happened. Mara ate her dinner. She turned in her dagger back to Duncan. Due to the orders of Leto and Jessica.

Mara ate her steak. As she cut a piece she felt a flashback of her cutting that man's throat. She stopped cutting as she put her utensils down. For some reason she felt nauseous.

She killed many animals before. So why is it different when she killed a man? Why did i burden her?

Leto saw her hesitant in cutting her steak. Leto knew how difficult it was to deal with such things. Leto didn't blame her for what happened and could only blame himself for letting her go.

Leto loved her so dearly. Mara knew that he was her favorite child. For now at least.

As Mara stopped eating Paul stared at her from the corner of his eye. He had never seen Mara so tense before.

Mara got up from her seat as she felt sick to her stomach now. Mara could only image the meat being that man. A man that probably had a wife.

"I'm going to bed. I've had a long day." Mara murmured as she went to her room.

Jessica eyed her and knew something was wrong. Mara wouldn't leave the table unless something was truly wrong.

Once Mara was out of earshot Paul spoke up.

"She is gone isn't she?"

"Hm?" Leto turned his head towards him.

"She'll never be the same. She'll only grow to want more power. It makes her feel powerful and fearless. That's what she craves."


Mara was asleep in her room. Months had passed. She tried to get past the nightmares that kept haunting her.  That was until she had dreams of different family members replacing that man. She dreamt of her killing Paul, her mother, her father.

Every time she woke up in sweat and tears. She would only fall back to sleep when she would remind herself that it was all fake. And that she was safe. For now.

However her parents could hear her cry's. They could hear her screams. They wanted to help but didn't know how. They heard her cry out for help and were about to enter her room but she finally calmed down.


Jessica and Paul were eating breakfast one day. Mara walked past the room. Paul saw her pass by. He wanted to try and talk to her but knew that it would answer to deaf ears. Mara lately had been out of it. She only talked to Duncan.

Jessica gave her son a small smile.

"I'm sure soon Mara will return. She will be more available when her mind is clear."


Mara was on the shore. Sitting on a rock as she looked into the sea. She saw whales in the distance. She saw the rain drop from the sky. She saw the lighting strike the sea. It all calmed her.

Where others found destruction she found peacefulness.

"I didn't expect you to out here right now." Paul said loudly as it rained heavily. "Come back inside. Or mother will continue to worry." Paul said as he looked at his younger sister.

"I've just come here to clear my thoughts." Mara's voice showed no emotion. It was like an empty shell.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Something you wouldn't understand."

Mara got up from her spot. She was soaked in rain water as she stared at him. She walked back to the castle as Paul looked confused.

How could she go from pity to anger?

Paul could never understand his sister. And he truly never will.


When the siblings got back to the castle their parents waited in the living space.

Leto spoke up as he stared at them.

"We are going to Arrakis."

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