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Mara was told that she was entitled to go on a mission with Duncan. It would quick and simple destroy a rebellions base. She wouldn't even be put in danger and would only watch the battle from the ship. She heard them all say it.

She would be fine.


Mara went on the airship as she waved bye to her family. Leto was hesitant to let his daughter go but once he was ensured of her being safe and away from the battle, he was alright with it. Paul and Jessica were not. They were more upset of the fact that Leto is letting her go.

Yet they all put on a happy facade. As the doors closed on the airship, Paul spoke up as he knew his mother wouldn't.

"You're putting her at risk for this." Paul said as he turned his whole body to his father. Leto didn't look at him as he only watched the airship levitate off the ground. Jessica kept an eye on Leto as she wanted to know what he was thinking. But she knew.

Leto didn't have a choice. Mara always got her way due to her manipulation skills.


Mara was situated on the airship. She was all smiles which was a good sign. Duncan was one of the only people to see Mara truly smile.

"It's amazing right?" Duncan said as he got his suit situated. "Amazing? It's wonderful." Mara said as she watched all of the men get ready.

"You all go together or in groups?" Mara questioned. Duncan point at different sets of men. "They all serve a purpose. They all go at different times for it." Duncan muttered as he didn't want the men to hear his words.

"Ah so you must have a legion of men that are just decoys." Mara said as her eyes went dark. Duncan stared at her. He knew how dark she could get. So he knew not to tell her which men were decoys.

"We don't have decoys. Every man is important here." Duncan lied through his teeth. Mara knew that he was lying but didn't get mad. She knew why he was like that. Even more so she knew that he meant no disrespect. So for that she could forgive.

"Right." Mara said as she looked away. Mara had alright figured it out. She knew which were decoys. The ones that were fooling around. It was plainly obvious.


The decoys went first in battle. She heard over the coms of them screaming and yelling for backup. Which never came. She looked at a board that showed if a man was alive or not. Quickly the board grew red and red.

All of the decoys were dead and the actual important men were dying. She wanted to help. She was not allowed to leave but she had too.


Mara was a beast on the field she was leading men back to safety. She caught a glimpse of Duncan in the back of the fight. He was fighting too much that he couldn't handle. Mara grabbed her dagger and ran towards him.

Mara felt her blood boil as she saw Duncan get thrown down. How dare they?!

Mara without thinking killed a man in a swift moment. She saw the dead body underneath her. A 10 year old killed a grown man. She then looked up and saw Duncan stare at her in shock.

But there wasn't time to be shocked. They had a mission given by her father. Duncan grabbed Mara and ran to the ship. They had done enough damage to the rebels.


Her clothes still had blood on them. She didn't say anything as she departed from the ship. Leto and Jessica eyes widened as Jessica called for Doctor Yueh.

"It's not mine." Mara said as she looked down at the ground. Duncan pulled Leto to the side and told him what happened. Leto felt anger. Duncan apologized profusely and even offered for Leto to kill him for doing this but Leto shook his head.

"She...you're sure she killed him." "I saw it with my own eyes."

Jessica grabbed Mara's arm and gently pulled her inside. Mara let herself get led by her mother. Jessica was a bit shocked of how easily she was allowing herself to be treated.

Jessica pulled her daughter to her room. She set her down on a chair. Jessica was about to talk but not before Paul rushed into the room and saw her bloody suit.

Paul felt his face show worry but cleared his throat and walked over to her. He knelt to her side.

Jessica was making the maids prepare a bath for Mara. The maids were quickly trying to finish her bath.

Then a voice spoke from this sudden silence.

"How did it feel?" Paul asked as he saw his sister's eyes darken with gleam. Jessica also saw this and knew how gone her daughter was.

"It was like squishing a bug." Mara's voice said in full force as she didn't hold back her excitement in her voice.

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