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Jessica held her newborn in her arms. Jessica watched as Mara and Irulan walked around the halls. Jessica knew that Mara was dependent on Irulan.

"She is manipulating her."

The newborn spoke. Jessica looked at her newborn. The newborn fell back asleep on Jessica's shoulder. Jessica's eyes narrowed as she looked at Irulan.


Paul was told by his mother of what his younger newborn sister claimed. It made sense to Paul. But like his mother he was angered.

"Don't do anything irrational."

Jessica warned her son. Paul knew his mother's words were right. If he did something irrational then Mara wouldn't want to try and make up.

"I've seen how she is in the future. We need her as an ally."

Paul's mouth moved on its own. It was if he wasn't thinking of what he was saying. Jessica was bewildered by how much Paul didn't seem to care for Mara's feelings in this and only her potential.


The Reverend Mother spoke out. Paul looked at his mother with confusion.

"You don't want her on our side?"

"Of course I do."

"Then act like it."

Paul's voice was dark. She could tell that her son was far gone.


Paul tried to connect with Mara but Mara never gave him even so much as a glance.

So then they tried to get her to hold her younger sister. Mara didn't bother to expend her arms out to the newborn.

So Paul left it to his mother to try and get Mara back on their side.


Jessica knocked on Mara's door. There was no response. Jessica opened the door slightly. She saw a sleeping Mara.

Jessica smiled to herself slightly. She missed seeing her daughter. She missed her daughter that would do anything for her family.

Jessica saw how her sweet girl had her mask off. Mara's full face was seen. Mara's burned marks on the left lower side of her face was showed. Jessica also saw how Mara a bit of burned marks on her neck.

It was hideous but Jessica only saw it as a trophy. A trophy to prove that Mara was strong to endure all of this suffering.

Jessica sat on the end of the bed as Mara slept. Jessica wondered what her child slept about. She was interrupted by Irulan walking into the room.

Jessica's sweet smile left her face as she started at the younger woman. Jessica hated Irulan. As Irulan feared Jessica.

"Reverend Mother-"


Irulan immediately shut up as she didn't have control over her body. Jessica stared at her. Jessica saw much potential Irulan had but she didn't care for that. She had turned her daughter against her.

Jessica stared at her with pure hatred.

Mara continued to sleep as she twitched in her sleep. Jessica's eyes narrowed as she saw Irulan look a bit scared.

"What did they do her."

Irulan didn't know if she could speak.


Jessica commanded.

"They made her obedient."

Irulan blurted out. Irulan wanted to slap herself for talking even though it was out of her control.

Jessica was even more angry. Jessica knew how cruel the Bene Gesserit could be. Even more how they definitely tortured Mara as her burned face showed.


Irulan knew that she was about to give up everything that the Bene Gesserit. And that meant that Mara would never trust Irulan again. Irulan didn't want that.


Irulan tried to drag on the conversation but Jessica wasn't having any of that. Jessica was about to speak but she was startled by how Mara shifted in her bed. How Mara's body twitched ever so slightly. How Mara looked scared in her sleep.

Jessica put her hand on her daughter's face. She made sure not to touch her daughter's burn marks as she didn't know if they still hurt. Mara calmed down as she stopping twitching in her sleep and unconsciously leaned into her mother's hand.

"Leave us."

Jessica coldly uttered as Irulan nodded and walked out. Jessica stared at her daughter the entire time as she just wanted to spend time with her daughter.

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