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Mara went back to her own room. The same room she had been in years ago when she first came to Arrakis. Back when everything was simple.

Mara felt like throwing up. She was embarrassed and angry. She had been humiliated. She had been manipulated by everyone in House Corrino.

Mara felt her anger build up. Without thinking she found herself in front of Irulan's door. She was going to barge in but then Mara took deep breaths.

Mara knew that Irulan had to do what she needed to do for survival on this cruel world. But Mara was a child. She didn't have to be in the middle of it. Mara departed from Irulan's door.

Mara decided to take a bath instead.


Water was sacred on this world. But Mara didn't care. Mara used up about 30 men's worth of water in her bath.

Mara was confused as to why her brothers concubine barged in the bathroom as if Mara wasn't taking a bath.

"What are you doing."

"Taking a bath."

"You don't use the water. Never use the water."

"Then why is it there then?"

Chani was silent as she didn't want to say much anymore.

"Who even told you that i was taking a bath."

Mara questioned but it sounded more of a demand.

"Some soldiers heard the water running."

Mara just hummed as she rolled her eyes. Mara then waved her hand in a shooing gesture to Chani.

Chani looked at Mara with a death stare but Mara clearly wasn't phased. Chani left in a huffing manner.

Mara went back to taking her bath. A few minutes later Mara heard someone else walk in the bathroom. Mara pushed herself to the bottom of the tub to hide amongst the water.

When she heard the faint sound of the door close she rose back up to the top. But she was met with her mother smiling at her softly. Mara was about to go back down but Jessica titled her head.

"Have I not taught you manners?"

Mara was silent as she didn't dare to go under the water anymore.

"What do you need. I've already been interrupted once while taking this bath."

Jessica's eyes furrowed.

"Who came in while you were bathing."

Jessica's voice was dark.

"Paul's whore."

Mara said in a mocking tone. Jessica sighed as she shook her head slightly.

"She's not a whore. She will be the mother of your nieces and nephews."

Mara's eyes widened.

"She's pregnant?"

"Yes she is."

Mara sighed. She didn't like Chani for many reasons. One of them being that she was her replacement. So was Alia.

"However that's not why i came to you."

"Then what is it?"

"You will be at the ceremony of Paul's and Chani's pregnancy announcement."

Jessica stated shortly and simply.

Mara stared at her mother. She had never really saw her mother's new tattoos in this light. She saw the symbol between her mother's eyebrows.

"Fine i'll be there."

Mara acted as if she had an option.


Mara got up from her bath. She turned around so only her mother saw her bare back. It was filled with scars. Some of them looked like daggers and some looked like whip lashes.

As Mara grabbed a towel, Jessica's eyes never left her daughter's back. Jessica felt tears in her eyes. Jessica believed that her and Paul had it the worst but Mara clearly had.

Mara noticed her mother's stare.

"Who did this."

Jessica demanded as she didn't even look at her daughter's face.

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does!"

Jessica was frustrated at how little Mara took this seriously.

Mara was hesitant before clearing her throat.

"Just some guards who were making me fit more in with the customs. "

Jessica knew that House Corrino had no customs of such things. Another lie they told Mara to make her more of their puppet.

"I only got them if I was out of place. The Emperor would rarely let me get the whips."

"And those dagger marks."

"I...I went to war for them."

Jessica's eyes widened. Mara had went to war for the Emperor. That's why Mara is so obedient for the whole Hosue Corrino. She had to be for survival.

"I killed many men, woman, and even...children."

Mara closed her eyes in resentment. She hated herself for it. And could never forgive herself.

Jessica just stared at her with soft eyes. Mara covered her body up as she walked towards the bathroom door.

Jessica held her daughter's hand to stop her.

But Mara didn't look at her. She couldn't especially when...

Mara shook her head as she pulled away.

Mara could never tell her mother of what she's saw. How she's killed so many men that begged for mercy. How she once killed a woman that looked like her mother. And how she enjoyed it.

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