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Mara stood before her brother. She had her anger halted as she saw Chani walk in. Mara wanted to talk to Paul alone but knew it would be nearly impossible as Chani was always by his side.

More or less due to how Chani had miscarried. When Mara had first heard she made a joke to Irulan. Irulan was upset and didn't talk to Mara the rest of that day. Mara apologized to Irulan but they both knew it was bull.

She didn't care for Chani. She never will or never has.

"Paul. I won't talk to you with her near."

Mara said in a frustrated tone. Paul shot her a glare before Mara sighed. She knew her brother was grieving.

If he saw the future then why couldn't he had prepared for this? Mara thought to herself. But then she remembered how all of this was fake. She sometimes got so wrapped it in all that she forgot what this truly was for. It was the Atreides revenge. Sadly the Fremen were all pawns.

She sighed as she saw Chani sit down on their bed. Paul put his hand on her back. Mara watched from afar. She didn't feel anything. Only ignorance.

"So can we talk or-"

"Mara. Now is not the time."

Paul snapped at the girl. Mara huffed as she looked at him.

"While you grieve, I will just say how weak you are."

"Excuse me-"

"You have a wife that is perfectly capable of caring your heir yet you treat her more of a burden than a wife."

Mara told him. Paul was looked angered. Mara had no right in their relationship. Mara knew she overstepped but she had to tell her brother the harsh truth.

"People will soon question why their beloved leader is not trying to conceive with his wife and more so on his concubine who clearly can't keep the child alive-"

Paul had slapped Mara across the face. It was harsh as Chani flinched herself. She knew Paul had messed up and Paul knew it himself. He didn't mean to but Mara knew how to push his buttons.

Mara looked at Paul and saw her anger. She punched him in the face. Paul had stumbled back before looking at her hurt. He felt betrayed by her actions.

He grabbed his nose as he felt blood rush down. He saw her fury still.

"I should behead you for this."

Paul threatened but Mara looked disinterested as she clenched her fists again.

"I'll cut out your tongue before you do."

Mara spat back at him. Paul just looked at her. He realized that his sister was truly gone. No longer did he have a sister but rather an executioner.

Mara turned her head. Paul looked at her still as he felt Chani's anxiety. He remained calm.

"You're so pathetic. Hitting a girl. How father would be so disappointed."

Mara said as she scoffed and walked out the room. She had people slap her before but she clearly was disturbed that it was her own brother.

As Mara walked away, Paul felt angry at himself for doing that. Before he could say anything Mara had already walked out.


Mara walked into Irulans room. She went in without knocking. Irulan knew something was wrong. Irulan looked at her before Mara caved into her touch. The younger girl hugging the older woman.

Irulan was shocked at this but hugged her back. She kissed her forehead like a mother would to a child. Yet they both knew that Mara craved for more. Mara was in love with Irulan. Even if Mara was too young.

Irulan would never let her get the chance as she wasn't interested in Mara. Mara however was her devoted partner in crime. The younger girl would burn worlds in Irulans name and she knew it.

Irulan saw the red mark on her face and pulled away from the hug to examine it. Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at it.

"Who did this to you?"

Irulan said in an angry tone.

"Paul and I got into a heated argument. He didn't mean to. It's my fault either way I-"

"He did this?"


"I'll fucking kill him."

"Don't. Dont waste your pretty voice on him."

Mara muttered softly. Irulan heard it and smiled at her softly. Mara had a question. A question that had been in her mind for a while.

"If I was older would you love me? Take me for a partner?"

Mara asked in a soft tone. Irulan sighed. They've had this conversation before. Irulan would never feel something for her. Not in a romantic way. Yet Mara craved her love. Mara had never seen such a beautiful person before. Even with the 12 year age difference.

"No I wouldn't. I don't think I would as I don't feel that way for you. I admire your work but not enough to love you like that."

Irulan mumbled. Mara just nodded as she looked down at the ground. She closed her eyes as she felt the older woman's touch.

"Why do you care for me if you say you don't love me?"

Mara asked as she felt Irulans hand graze over her scarred face.

"You don't have to love someone to care for them."

She spoke in a kind manner. Mara listened to all of her words with a smile. She opened her eyes and saw Irulan in her beauty.

The sun setting on her. How her blonde hair had complemented her, even with her attire.

They both knew Mara's words would speak before she could think. She always had that problem.



Irulan talked over her.

"Not tonight Mara."

Irulan shushed her as she led her to her bed. To try and help her sleep as Mara often had nightmares of the dead.

Mara was quiet the rest of the night. Only speaking when she felt Irulan about to fall asleep.

Mara knew she could speak freely here. How Irulan wouldn't judge her in this moment specifically.

"Good night, Irulan. I hope one day you could love me."

Irulan then saw Mara drift to sleep. Irulan heart broke as she knew this was her doing. She manipulated her back when her father was the Emperor. But she only wanted Mara to think of her as a big sister. She never knew it got this bad. Had she known more, she would have never agreed to the plan.

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