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Mara stood next to her mother. She was leaving already. This was her final moments with her mother. She wouldn't know it yet but this would be last time she would see her mother.

History would label this moment as the "Final Exchange." The reason for this is because Lady Jessica had whispered something into her daughter's ear. Nothing else was said after that. Mara just nodded as she went onto her ship.

Even if her mother couldn't see her face, she knew that Mara would listen to her words. For she was desperate.

Mara was silent the entire time. Not talking to anyone as she arrived back on Arrakis. It was clear that whatever her mother told her had changed the narrative of her life.

She got off the ship as her feet landed on the hot sand. She saw her brother with Irulan by his right and Chani by his left. How the silence was deafening.

Paul was about to speak but Mara didn't hear him as she walked past him. She didn't even look in direction. Paul turned around as he was about to speak he saw how all of his men turned their backs to him and looked at Mara.

There was more respect for Mara. It was clear from that moment that he would never be respected as much as his sister.

He clenched his fists. Even if he was going to be the Emperor, no one would ever respect him. They would always care and respect his sister more. That's how it's always been.

Irulan and Chani held hands behind him. They were lovers also. Chani saw the betrayal in Irulan's eyes. She saw how Irulan looked at Mara with hurt of this.

Chani stayed silent as Irulan looked away from Mara's face, or her mask.


Mara walked into the room where rules were placed. The war room. It was a simple room where chairs surrounded a large table with all the planets ruled by The Emperor were. Planets that Paul had to have in order for everyone to respect him.

Mara rushed in there with Paul following not far behind. Mara rummaged through things. Things that were already in place. She mumbled to herself over and over again.

"Where is it?"

Paul looked confused as he stared at his sister. Was this one of the possibilities he saw? Where his sister died as a martyr for his own gain?

Or was this the possibility of his sister being killed by her own men due to madness?

So many different possibilities he saw in a short amount of time. Yet it all pointed back to one person that cause Mara to spiral.

Lady Jessica, their mother.

She was the cause of all of Mara's deaths. Not once in any visions that Paul had, did Mara die of old age. Her legacy will never let her.

She must die a horrific death for the Fremen to push on. For this war to continue and push stronger than ever. Mara must die.

"What are you looking for?"

Paul asked softly. He already knew. He knew which death would take place. And for this he was sorry for her.

It was neither of the possibility's he spoke of now. It was a different one. One that was one of the most worse deaths.

"Where is the map to the temple?"

Mara asked in a brief moment. Paul was silent for a second. He knew now what she would die of. His eyes softening for a second. Before they went back to being a cold blue.

"In there."

He pointed to a small table with a drawer. Mara rushed to it and quickly found a map. It was a map of Arrakis but more importantly it was a map of a sacred temple that could give healing properties.

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