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Mara was in her room. It was the last night on Caladan. Her home. Majority of her things were gone and on the ship already. Mara only had a bed in the room.

Mara looked around the room as she played with a knife she had hidden in her room. A secret knife if something were to happen.

Mara heard a knock on her door. She saw her brother walk in.

"It's our last night here." Paul said with a sad smile. Mara gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm sure it'll be fun. On Arrakis." Mara told as she held her small pocket knife close to her side. Her fingers pressed against metal.

Paul just stared at her with a soft smile.

"You truly don't fear anything."

"Fear is the mind killer."

"You listen to mother's words?"

Paul asked a bit shocked that his sister actually payed attention to his mother's words.


There was a brief silence.

"Is that so unbelievable?"

Mara asked with a slight laugh. Paul stared at his sister with a grin as he shook his head.


The Atreides family were on the aircraft. They were finally on Arrakis. Paul and Mara were behind their father as their mother was behind them all.

Paul saw and heard the people of Arrakis.

While Mara heard the men of her people chant out "Atreides!". It was music to her ears.


Lady Jessica saw Mara a bit angered. Mara was denied to go and see how spice works. Her father didn't want to go so Paul could have the opportunity.

"I'm sure you'll go next time."

"You only say that because you know that i won't."

Mara says as she takes her gloves off.

"How does Paul, an idiot, worthless piece of-"


Jessica cut Mara off. Mara just glared at her mother.

"You heard what those women said about me. I am more useful than Paul and you know it. I should be learning about this land."

Mara stood before her mother. Her gaze looked like the woman in front of her.

"You need to calm down."

"Or what? You'll use The Voice against me?"

"I will if necessary."

Jessica wasn't thinking of her words and it showed. Mara knew how to make an argument end in her corner.

"Now what mother does that to her child."

Jessica was silenced as she looked at Mara. Mara walked past her mother.


Leto saw his daughter walk around angrily. He knew that he would only make matters worse. So he just stood there as Mara walked out.


Leto and Jessica were in their own room. Leto had his head on Jessica's lap. He sighed as she delicately rubbed her hands across his temple.

"What did we create?"

Leto mumbled as his eyes were closed. Jessica knew what he meant.

"She will learn to be controlled."

"She's our daughter. Not the Bene Gesserit."

Leto said harshly as his eyes shot up at her. Jessica sighed.

"If it came down to it would you protect them?"

Jessica was appalled at Leto's questioning.

"With my life-"

"I'm not asking you as our children's mother but as the Bene Gesserit."

Jessica was silent as Leto closed his eyes knowing that he didn't want to know that answer.

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