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Mara had her mask on as they departed from the aircraft that brought them back on Arrakis. She stood behind Irulan as her personal bodyguard.

Mara's clothes were black. Every inch of her body was covered as her mask covered her whole head. It was a black mask that had a voice box object to make Mara's voice sound disoriented.

Mara was on Irulan's heels as she made sure that she was safe. That was until the Fremen attacked. Mara was on alert. That was until she saw him.

She saw Paul enter the room. Something was off about him. She could tell. Paul didn't recognize her. How could he? He would never believe that his dear sister was dressed like that.

He killed Baron and called him "Grandfather".

Mara was confused. But then they were escorted to a different room. Mara made sure that no one touched the Emperor or Irulan. She didn't care about the Bene Gesserit as she saw Feyd Rautha stare at them. She knew something was about to go down.

Mara was skeptical as she murmured to Irulan.

"Don't trust the Bene Gesserit."

Irulan stared at the younger girl in disbelief. Irulan was part of the Bene Gesserit. How could she not trust the woman that shaped her. But then she saw Mara's eyes. It showed worry but not for her but for Irulan.

Irulan just gave her a subtle nod. The Emperor stood before Paul.

Paul had the entire power in the room. He demanded a trail against him. But the Emperor was old and frail so instead he gave Feyd Rautha to take his place. As the fight continued Mara looked at her mother. Even her mother didn't recognize her.

Mara knew that she wouldn't let her new family go to harm.

As Paul killed Fayd Rautha he go close to the Emperor. Without thinking Mara stood in front of the Emperor.

Paul couldn't see the eyes of this soldier as the mask didn't provide eyes. Paul held his sword with anger.

Mara grabbed her dagger.

The Emperor put his hand on Mara's shoulder. Mara stood down as she put her dagger back in its pocket.

"Forgive my soldier. She doesn't understand the rules of this."

Paul was a bit surprised that the soldier was a female.

"For this ignorant woman I want to have a fight with her."

Paul said with boldness. It was clear that his boldness was just an act of self interest.

"You won the fight between-"

"I'll fight you."

Mara cut the Emperor off.

She stood before Paul. Paul turned his head towards his mother before looking back at her.

"Take off your mask and reveal yourself."

Mara smiled underneath her mask. She brought her gloved hands over her mask before taking it off slowly.

Paul's smiled faded as he stood before his sister. His sisters faced that was ruined. He saw the burned marks on her left lower side of her face.

Jessica gasped as she saw her child's face. She looked right at the Bene Gesserit. She knew it was their doing. Only this was one of the Bene Gesserit's way of torture.

"What's wrong Paul? You don't seem happy to see me."

Mara voice was full of hatred.

"You've betrayed us. I'm no longer your brother."

"You're right. Besides you stopped being my brother the moment you left me to die."

Mara said with sharpness. Paul and Jessica were confused. What had they told Mara?

Mara grabbed her dagger as she stared at Paul. Paul didn't know whether to fight his sister. He looked at his mother for guidance but just found her torn.

Mara turned to her mother. Jessica saw the hurt in her daughter's eyes. She saw Mara look at her mother's belly.

"Seems like you're already replacing me."

Mara mustered as she felt a vein in her forehead. Jessica put her hand over her stomach.

"How long did you wait to replace me? A month? A week?!"

Mara said with anger. Paul just stared at her. What had The Emperor done to her?

Mara shook it off as she got in a fight stance. And so did Paul. He knew it was wrong. Besides he was already wounded. He knew he would die if he fought his sister.

Paul then put his sword up.

"I already won against the Harkonnen. I won't fight you."

"Yes you will."

Mara without thinking held a knife to Chani's throat. Mara had seen how Chani looked at Paul and vise versa.

"She has nothing to do with this."

"You made her apart of this."

Jessica looked back at the Bene Gesserit.

"What did you do to her."

Jessica said through the Bene Gesserits head.

"We did what was needed. Unlike you we gave her a chance to live to her full potential."

Jessica looked back at her daughter. She felt her other daughter speak to her mother.

She will win and Paul will die.

Jessica knew this was true. And so did Paul.

The Emperor knew how sour this all could get. With a subtle word "Enough." Mara let go of Chani and backed off.

The Emperor had lost. And Mara wouldn't be able to anything for that.

Mara walked back to Irulan's side with ease. Mara put her mask back on. The Emperor did such as what Paul said.

While Paul talked with The Emperor and as everyone was busy watching Mara only stood beside Irulan. Mara didn't bow for Paul as everyone else in the room did besides Irulan and The Emperor.

Mara knew that her mother was staring at her. So she turned her head towards her mother. There was no conversation but it was clear that even underneath the mask that Mara had on.

Mara was done with the Atreides name.


As the Fremen got in aircraft's to go after the Great Houses, Mara stayed behind with Irulan. Never leaving Irulan's side.

"I will protect you."

Mara said with a straight face. Mara was in Irulan's room as she had her mask on.

"I should be protecting you."

Irulan said as she sat on her new bed.

"No. I am your guard. I will protect you just like I did yesterday and the day before that."

Mara said with strong voice.

Irulan smiled at the young girl.

Paul listened from the other side of the door. He was furious that the Emperor was able to manipulate his sister in believing something wrong like that.

So he was going to try and make his sister understand how she was not apart of House Corrino but of House Atreides.

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