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Mara still had some blood in her finger tips but it didn't bother her. Why would it? Why would she clean up something that should be worn proudly?

Mara sighed as Irulan cleaned her face carefully. She knew that Mara's scars still hurt from time to time. She didn't want to hurt the girl but at the pace that Irulan was going, Mara felt like she would rather get hurt than for her to keep going at this slow pace.

Irulan was almost done. She wiped one spot. It hurt Mara. Irulan saw Mara slightly flinch.

"Are you alright?"

Irulan asked as she stared at her with a clean towel now swapped with the dirty one. Her hand midair to see if she's got a sign to keep going.

Mara nodded. Irulan had gone back to cleaning her face. Wiping off that Fremen's blood off of her face.

They didn't even hear Paul walk in. That was until he made himself noticeable.

"Mara. We must discuss what you've done."

Paul's tone was firm. Mara didn't have time for it as she looked at him. Was she to be reprimanded for doing a good deed for her mother?

"If there is something you want to discuss, which there isn't, then you can come out and say it like a man."

Mara's words were cold and harsh. Mara truly didn't know what's she did wrong. She couldn't have done anything wrong.

"Fine. What you did was not how you should of-"

"He dismissed you. Called you a false promise. If he said that then what's to say that others aren't thinking it."

Paul was silent at Mara's words. She was right. Paul wanted to speak but Mara's voice spoke up once more.

"I silenced all of those doubts with his death."

Paul looked at her with a frustrated expression. He was frustrated at how Mara was right as always.

"Don't do something like that again. Not in front of Mother or Alia at least."

Paul said with a straight face. He didn't want his mother or youngest sister to see this. He was now the man of the family and wanted to try to make his position known in the family tree.

Yet he was dealing with a murder. Who didn't want to give up any power.

"I will do what I need to do for you to get in that throne. But don't think i won't kill you if you make yourself look like a false promise again."

Mara spoke with such firmness that Paul knew that she would do it.

"You embarrass me again with their doubts and i'll slice your head off and take your place."

Mara had her eyes sharp into his skull. His breath hitched as he just walked out the room. He didn't want to stay another moment there. He knew that Mara was getting power hungry.

Mara stayed silent as she watched him leave the room.

Irulan, who was treated like a ghost a few moments ago, went back to cleaning Mara's face. Mara felt that Irulan was bit harsher. Mara didn't say anything. She felt the pain but instead of flinching, she welcomed it.


Mara walked different hallways. Trying to keep herself occupied while Irulan had been in her room and didn't want to be disturbed. She understood as she also had days like that. She stayed silent before she heard a babble.

She turned around and saw that it was Alia. Alia was barely 3 months yet she was already walking. Mara looked at the baby with an emotionless expression. Alia had a smile on her face.

Mara sighed as she saw that no one was around to take care of her. She wanted to leave the child there to suffer by herself but knew that she would get in trouble by Irulan.

She picked the small Alia up with one arm. She held the baby upside down by her legs with her left hand. Alia giggled as Mara have out a small scoff underneath her mask.

Mara had the baby like this the entire time as they went to her mother's room. Her mother had been sleeping and was startled by the sight before her.

Mara had the child dangling but her hand. Not only that but Mara had her mask on so Jessica couldn't even see her face. Jessica thought that Mara had an angry underneath her mask.

But instead Mara had a small smile as she looked at Alia. But no one could see it as her mask hide her face very well. Mara didn't want to be seen as soft.

So she put Alia on her mother's bed. Alia giggled as she got put on her mother's bed. Mara let out a soft scoff.

"She was all alone. Were you not paying attention."

Mara's voice seemed angry. Jessica was a bit surprised at her tone. She thought that Mara didn't care for Alia.

"I was asleep. I told my servants to take care of her."

Jessica said carefully as she grabbed Alia and brushed her fingers through her curly hair.

Mara saw something in Alia. Neglected. Mara knew how that felt. She was neglected by Jessica all the time growing up. It was clear the Reverend Mother didn't have time for the small child.

Mara knew that in years to come the two sisters would bond over that. But Mara knew how it felt for a child to be neglected.

"If you need someone to watch her, then i'll do it if i'm not busy."

Mara offered, but it sounded more of a demand. Jessica's eyes softly widened as she looked at her second born.

"I think Alia would love that."

Jessica murmured as she held the small child. Mara just nodded before walking out the room. Once Mara was out of sight she turned to Alia.

"She's taken an interest in you, little one."


Mara held Alia's small hand as they walked through the hallways. Mara was told that her mother would be doing some things for Paul. So Mara took Alia.

Alia was smart and talked fluently now. She was only 11 months. Yet she walked and talked like a grown woman. Sometimes she would have a tantrum but she never did that around Mara.

Mara held her hand as they walked by servants. Servants bowed down the them. Alia quickly learned that anywhere Mara went, came with respect for her.


Mara and Chani sat next to each other. Chani was due any day now. She had a swollen belly that looked like a balloon waiting to be popped.

Paul held a meeting for he wanted to bring "Paradise" to a planet. A planet that he knew very well.


He wanted this as his home world was being taken over by some Lord. He hated that. It was his world, his home.

"Mara will lead the group. Hit their forces hard. Demolish every weapon they have to oblivion."

Paul had become something else. Mara noticed it when she first saw him again. He had became colder.

Mara nodded. She understood what he was saying. Kill everything and everyone that was against them.

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