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Mara stood right next to Irulan during the morning. Irulan was now Paul's wife. But that didn't mean that she was his priority. Mara sat next to Irulan as everyone ate. Well the table was divided as everyone sat on the right side. Only Irulan and Mara sat on the left side of the table. It was quiet.

Mara didn't even eat as she had her eyes on Gurney. Gurney was staring back at her with a glare.

Irulan finished eating. Mara got up from her seat and so did Irulan. Irulan knew that without Mara she would be killed. Mara made it her absolute duty to protect Irulan.

"You weren't dismissed."

Paul said to Irulan.

"She's not a child."

Mara cut him off.

Paul just stared at her. Before he could say anything Mara spoke first.

"How disappointed father would be. To see you treat women like dirt."

Mara led Irulan out the dining room. Paul just stared at them. He knew how wrong he was. He knew his father would be disappointed. And for that he hated himself.


Jessica caught Mara walking through the halls without Irulan. Mara walked past her mother as if she was someone she didn't know.

"Come here."

Jessica used the voice on her. Mara tried to fight it but lost as she felt herself be in front of her mother.

Jessica tried to lift her daughter's mask but to no avail it didn't lift. Mara held her mother's arm harshly as she tightened her grip.

"Don't you ever use the voice on me. Or i'll cut your tongue out."

Mara's words were harsh but Jessica knew that her words were true. Mara let go of her grip on her mother as she turned away.

"What did they do to you?"

Jessica asked softly. Jessica wanted to know exactly what the Bene Gesserit did to her daughter.

"They gave me power."

Mara said in a cold tone. Her voice still disoriented from the voice box located from her mask.

Jessica just stared at her child. Jessica knew her girl was gone. Instead she was met with a Bene Gesserit puppet.


Irulan was in her room. Mara stood outside the door. Mara was on high alert. Irulan was getting ready for the day. Mara watched as other Fremen walked by. Mara watched their moves.

"Why does she protect the bastard."

Was one of the words she heard. She felt rage. How dare they call Irulan that. Mara looked at the man that said those vicious words.

But Mara kept her composure. She had to for now. Some days she couldn't keep her composure but today felt different.

Mara saw Irulan walk out of her room. Mara was right behind her on her left as they walked the halls.

Mara walked past one hall in particular.

The hall she was kidnapped by those men. She felt her entire body get chills. She stared at the hallway.

She remembered all of the things the Bene Gesserit did. The pain they caused before Mara was seen as trusted.

Irulan noticed the shift in Mara's mood.

"What's wrong?"


"Clearly it's nothing if you act different."

"I don't want to talk about it right now."

"Alright then."

The day went on as normal. Or what Irulan thought as normal. Yet Mara didn't talk the entire rest of the day. Mara didn't even bicker with Irulan when Irulan told her something about her family.


"You've been cold."

Paul sternly said as he stares at his sister. Mara is looking outside through a small glass window.

"Your betrayal was something that neither mother nor myself-"

"Stop talking like that."

"Excuse me?"

"We both know that you don't speak like that."

Paul went silent for a few moments before he scoffed.

"You're just a child still it seems."

"No im not."

Mara said defensively.

"Yes you are! You don't understand our situation at all."

"I understand it clearly. I-"

The siblings were cut off by a servant rushing into the room.

Their mother was in labor.


Paul and Mara stood outside the door as they heard their mother's cries from the other side. Paul had Chani by his side to comfort him.

Mara had no one. Mara didn't want to include Irulan in this as she didn't feel it necessary.

"No Princess today."

Chani said in a sharp and taunting way.

"Paul tell your concubine to not talk to me."

Mara said as she rolled her eyes. Paul was about to get all defensive but Mara raised her eyebrow at him.

Paul knew that Chani didn't have that much power in her position as of right now. So he stayed quiet.

Instead a servant came out the room.

Mara saw her mother holding an infant in her arms. Thats all she saw and that's all she needed to see.

Mara turned around and walked the other way. Paul stared as his sister as she walked away and down the hallway. Paul then turned to his mother and welcomed his baby sister into his arms.


Mara was eating dinner. Irulan watched the young girl. Irulan saw how Mara had anger in her eyes as she ate. Mara was upset about something.

"What's wrong."

Irulan said in a concerned tone. It was fake. Anyone could see that but Mara. Mara was manipulated by the Bene Gesserit to follow Irulan blindly.

"They welcomed my new sister into the world 5 days ago."

"And that's bad why?..."

"They are replacing me."

"Hm...seems like you're right."

Mara looked up. Irulan gave her a firm kiss on her temple.

"I would never betray you how they have."

Mara smiled at the older girls words.

"Thank you."

"I'm always here for you, my sweet, Mara."

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