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Mara had been waiting on her brother to get in position. Paul grabbed his dagger of choice and stood in a fighting stance.

"Your stance is wrong." Mara said as her back was towards him. "How can you tell if you're not even facing me." Paul said as he stared at her back.

"Your stance is never right the first time." Mara teased as she finally grabbed her precious dagger. A dagger that was gifted to her by her teacher, Duncan Idaho.

"Yeah well-" Paul was cut off by his mother walking into the room. Jessica walked in as she saw her two children in their protection gear.

She saw Mara grab her dagger.

"Paul." Her two children stared at her. Mara knew that her mother needed him for lessons to control the voice. "Seems like she's always protecting you." Mara murmured as she walked past Paul.

Paul heard this and knew it was true. That brought Paul embarrassment. Mara was 10 and already a great fighter while Paul was 15 and could barely fight.

Mara knew she was provoking him. "Paul. Come now." Mara mimicked. Jessica knew what Mara was doing. "That enough." Paul said as he charged at Mara.

Paul thought he would surprise Mara with his attack but Mara swiftly dodged his shot and gave him a "tsk."

Jessica knew that Mara was provoking him for fun. Jessica knew she should intervene but didn't as she knew that Mara would get upset. And Mara was a loose cannon at this point in her and Pauls fight.

Paul could barely keep up with Mara's attacks as Mara held herself back. While Paul tried to fight for his life, Mara was barely trying.

"I yield!" Paul said as Mara had her dagger at his throat. Mara scoffed as she pulled her dagger away.

Jessica held her breath as she sighed. Mara was displeased as she walked out the room slamming the door on her way out.

Paul looked up at his mother. His mother was the cause of Mara being the way she is. Jessica never favored Mara when she was younger. That led to Mara always becoming a loose cannon. Perhaps if Mara was given attention more often by Jessica growing up then she would have been gracefully trained to be a true warrior.

However she didn't get that. Instead Mara found love in warriors. Instead Duncan gave her the love of a parent who she craved for.

"She's the future of Atreides." Paul said as he brushed his fingers over his neck. The same spot where Mara's dagger was next to.

"Paul, you're the first born. It's the birth right that you have." Paul scoffed at his mother's words. "She only needs to be controlled." Jessica suggested.

Paul looked disgusted at his mother. "She's a child-" "A child who holds too much power." Jessica said in a loud voice.

"She's your daughter." Paul said as he looked away. "She's my sister. She an Atreides. She is a fighter. A warrior. A leader. She is 10 and already growing more and more in her power."

Jessica took all of his words into consideration but it was hard as she knew what she had to do. She had to control Mara. It would be the only way for House Atreides to continue to live on.

Jessica knew that Mara would be the downfall of House Atreides. And how right she was.

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