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Mara had her things packed already. She was bored as Duncan was sent on a mission to make Arrakis more safe for the Atreides family.

Thats when she saw them. During the ceremony she saw a Bene Gesserit. Mara saw how her mother tensed up. Mara was intrigued and wanted to know more.


Mara was awoken by her mother. Clothes were laid out flat for her. She was tired and groggy but she could make out that Paul was by the door also fully clothed.

Mara was confused but Lady Jessica wasted no time.

"Get dressed."

Mara groaned as she got up.

Paul also looked tired as he yawned. Jessica knew that it was wrong for her to wake them up but if the Bene Gesserit wanted this then who was she to say no?


Mara and her mother waited outside the door. They both heard Paul's screams. Jessica's sorrow and worry showed. Mara was about to grab the handle but her mother stopped her.

"Wait your turn. Please." Jessica pleaded. Mara was a bit on edge. But she did as her mother wanted. She obeyed like how Jessica planned.

Once Paul walked out of the room a bit on edge, Mara walked into the room. She saw a woman sitting on the chair with a box.

Before she knew it she was kneeling before the woman. She was angry.

"How dare you make my mother be fearful. Your just an old bat-"


The woman yelled. Paul and Jessica heard this from the other side.

"Put your hand in the box."

"And if i don't?"

"Then this needle will kill you."

Mara saw the needle from the corner of her eye. Mara put her hand slowly in the box. Then she saw it.

Pain and suffering.

That's all she felt. She however kept her mouth closed as she stared directly towards the woman. No fear or anger. Just pure power was seeping through her face.

This lasted a few more seconds before the woman spoke up.

"Take your hand out of the box."

Mara did as so. She didn't even look at the box but rather at the woman.

"Jessica." The woman called. Jessica came in the room quickly. She was grateful that Mara was still alive but also concerned that Mara didn't make a noise.

Mara kept her eye of the Bene Gesserit. Her eyes never leaving the older woman.


As the two Bene Gesserits walked together one of them spoke up.

"I thought you said you trained the boy."

"I do."


Jessica stared at the older woman trying to see what she was saying.

"The girl is far more useful. She shows power like her father but her true power comes from her mother."

Jessica knew that Mara had potential but knew that she couldn't give it to her as Mara would lose herself.

"The boy shows power. I've seen it. He has dreams of his future. I'm sure his power will only grow. But the girl will surpass him."

The Bene Gesserit stared at the other.

"We've done only so much for you on Arrakis. It's up to your children to make the motive."

And with that Jessica was left alone.

Perhaps she wasn't alone as two pairs of eyes similar to hers stared at her through the fog.

Jessica knew that they knew. But when she saw Mara's expression, she saw the pure smugness that would be her downfall.

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