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Mara walked around before bed. She heard some men talking. She got suspicious before she followed the men quietly.

Or she thought it was quiet. Next thing she knew some man was behind her and knocked her out.


Mara woke up on an aircraft. She was tied down. She was confused and startled as she didn't know her surroundings. There was no sigh of anyone.

Thats when she saw the woman from before. The Bene Gesserit. Before Mara could say anything she felt herself loose conscious.

Not before she saw some man come up to her and start to pour something hot on her face.


Lady Jessica and Paul were in the tent out in the desert. Paul told his mother about his dreams. Jessica asked him if he saw Mara in any of his dreams.

"I only see her drowning in others blood. She's alone and scared."

Paul musters as he feels his sister's pain. Jessica feels helpless as she doesn't know what to do.


Mara was taken to the emperor. She stood before the Emperor and his oldest daughter. Mara had bruises all over her face and her body. But there was a big spot on the bottom left of her face that was melted off.

The oldest daughter was mortified as she knew that this was caused on the aircraft when arriving.

"You murdered them you sick piece of-"


The Bene Gesserit said as she used The Voice.

The Emperor knew that Mara was hurting. He knew that plan would take a long time.

"I didn't do such a thing, child. Your father was killed by his own people. Your mother and brother left you."

The Emperor tried to persuade Mara. But the Bene Gesserit gave her a push as they messed with her brain.

Mara was like a puppet. A child being used.

"Why would they do that?"

Mara mumbled as she looked hurt. Princess Irulan knew that this was wrong. But it was necessary if it meant her family were to succeed still.

Mara stayed silent as she was being manipulated.

The Emperor motioned for Irulan to help her get welcomed in by everyone. Mara was going to act and be one of them from now.


It had been months since Mara was taken in. Mara thought of herself to be one of them. And Princess Irulan thought of Mara as another little sister.

Mara wore a mask to cover her face. She only ever took her mask off when around the Emperor or Irulan.

The Emperor had treated Mara like a daughter and made sure that she was still under control. He even made sure that she was training in combat.


Paul had taken the "water of life." Paul had seen everything. Past, Present, and future. But what he didn't see was Mara.

Once brought back to life, he spoke quietly to his mother when they both were alone.

"She's not alive is she?"

"I've tried to look for her my memories also. She's all blurry."

Paul sighed as he looked at his mother's stomach.

"What does she say?"

"She says that Mara is strong and is determined to fight."

Paul smiled as he looked at his mother. His mother smiled at him. But that wasn't true.

Jessica had seen Mara in her future. She sees what Mara becomes. She's an older blurry version of Mara on top of a large pile of skulls.


Mara was in the garden with Irulan. Irulan was looking at Mara. As Mara had her mask off and was looking at the flowers.

"What was life on Caladan?"

Irulan asked as she stroked the younger girls hair. Irulan saw how Mara's eyes widened with glee to tell someone about her home.

"It is beautiful. Water everywhere. My castle was overlooking-"

Mara cut herself off as she heard someone coming. She put her mask back on. Irulan put on a strict face as she some guards ruining the moment.

"The Emperor wishes to see you, Princess Irulan."

Irulan sighed as she turned back to Mara. Mara just bowed to Irulan as Irulan did the same and walked away.


Mara was in her bed as she slept. Irulan knocked on the door. Irulan was told by her father that Paul Atreides was alive.

Mara woke up slightly as she put her mask on and walked out the room to see Irulan staring at her and smiling. It was Mara's birthday.

Mara smiled underneath her mask as she saw that Irulan had servants bring Mara fresh setts of different kinds of daggers.

"Thank you."

Mara said in a breathless type of manner. Irulan just stared at Mara.

"You've never been brought these many gifts?"

"Not things i'm interested in."

"Your family truly didn't support your passion....good thing you have me."

Mara just nodded.

Irulan was right. The only people Mara had in her corner were The Emperor and his family.

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