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Silverstone, United Kingdom.

As Oscar stepped into the quaint bookshop, the pitter-patter of raindrops on the windowpane echoed through the cozy space. The scent of old books filled the air, instantly transporting him to a world of imagination and wonder. Seeking solace from the rain and a place to warm up, he made his way towards the counter where a brunette girl sat diligently working on her English assignment.

The girl glanced up from her work, her eyes lighting up with a warm smile as she noticed Oscar's arrival. Her name was Emily, a budding writer with a passion for literature. As Oscar approached the counter, he couldn't help but be captivated by the stacks of books surrounding them, each one holding a story waiting to be discovered.

"Hello there," Elodie greeted, her voice soft and welcoming. "Welcome to our little haven. Is there something specific you're looking for, or are you simply seeking refuge from the rain?"

Oscar, appreciating her friendly demeanor, replied, "Thank you. I'm just seeking shelter from the rain for now, but I must say this place is really wel put together, do you work here?"

Elodie eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she shared her story. "actually i do! my parents own this bookshop and many across the world with the same name. smith and co ." grinned, proud of her family's success

Oscar nodded, understanding the sentiment completely. "It's truly amazing how books have the power to transport us to different worlds and evoke emotions within us. I've always admired writers, like yourself, who can craft such captivating stories. If you are a writer that is" he questioned.

eloidies smile grew wider as she leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "i am a english major." she smiled, before stating "do you enjoy reading? also rude of me to ask what do you do for work?"

Oscar's curiosity was piqued. He had always been an avid reader, but never avid enough to study the subject.  "I'm open to anything, really. But lately, I've been drawn to historical fiction and adventure novels. and im a driver." he responded

elodies face lit up with delight. "Oh, absolutely! For historical fiction, I highly recommend 'The Pillars of the Earth' by Ken Follett. It's a gripping tale set in medieval England, filled with political intrigue and the construction of a magnificent cathedral. And for adventure, you can't go wrong with 'The Count of Monte Cristo' by Alexandre Dumas. It's a thrilling story of revenge and redemption." she beamed towards the brunette boy "and driver as in, bus, taxi?"

Oscar nodded, grateful for the recommendations. "Thank you. Those sound like incredible reads. I'll definitely check them out and something like that"

As the rain continued to pour outside, Oscar and Elodie engaged in a lively conversation about their favorite books, sharing stories and exchanging recommendations. The bookshop became a sanctuary of warmth and knowledge, where the sound of rain became a symphony accompanying their literary journey. The two sat in comfort of eachother, even though they didn't know each others names.

Before Oscar left, Elodie handed him a small notebook. "If you ever come across a book that moves you or a story you want to share, feel free to write it down in here. It's our little bookshop's journal of inspiration."

With a grateful smile, Oscar bid farewell to Elodie and the enchanting bookshop. As he stepped back into the rainy world outside, he carried with him not just the promise of new stories, but also the memory of a brunette girl with a passion for literature and a love for sharing the magic of books with others.

Oscar Piastri entered his hotel room, the image of the brunette girl from the bookshop still fresh in his mind. Excitedly, he picked up his phone and dialed his teammate Lando Norris's number, eager to share the encounter.

"Hey, Lando! You won't believe what just happened," Oscar exclaimed as soon as Lando picked up the call.

Curiosity piqued, Lando responded, "What's up, Oscar? You sound pretty excited. What's going on?"

Oscar took a deep breath, trying to contain his enthusiasm. "So, you know how I went to the bookshop to avoid the rain, right? Well, there was this brunette girl, and she was sitting at the counter, working on some English assignment."

Lando chuckled. "Ah, I see. So, did you strike up a conversation with her?"

Oscar sighed, a hint of longing in his voice. "I wish I had, but I didn't. I mean, I told her how amazing the bookshop was and how much I admire people who study English . But I didn't even ask her name."

Lando chuckled again, teasing his teammate. "Smooth move, mate. So, what do you know about her? Any details?"

Oscar hesitated for a moment, trying to recall the conversation. "Well, shes studying English. She seemed really passionate about literature and writing. We talked about our favorite books and genres. She even recommended a couple of historical fiction and adventure novels."

Lando's voice filled with intrigue. "That's awesome, Oscar! It sounds like you had a great conversation. Maybe next time you visit the bookshop, you can get to know her better and ask for her contact information."

Oscar nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, you're right. I definitely want to see her again. It's just that the bookshop felt like really comforting. and it smelt really nice too!."

Lando's voice softened. "you sound over the moon mate really, next time come over and we can head there together."

Oscar chuckled, grateful for Lando's support. "Thanks, Lando. I appreciate your advice. In the meantime, I'll keep exploring the world of silverstone and hope our paths cross again."

With that, the two teammates continued their conversation, discussing racing strategies, upcoming events, and the thrill of the sport they both loved. But in the back of Oscar's mind, the image of the brunette girl and the enchanting bookshop remained, a spark of curiosity and possibility igniting within him.

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