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oscar woke up to the blonde tapping away at her computer, paper and books piled up around her.
"morning el."
without looking away from her laptop she mumbled a quiet "morning osc."
he chuckled to himself before looking at his phone to distract himself from the girl who seemed panicked.
a few hours had passed and she sat back in her chair and let out a loud breath, before turning to oscar
"sorry for ignoring you, my last assignment was supposed to be in today and ive just handed it in"
he smiled and stood up, completely forgetting his half naked state "congratulations el." and then he headed to the bathroom to freshen up. elodie couldn't pull her eyes from the muscle definition on his back and shoulders.

they had both freshened up and were sat on the balcony looking over into the views, engulfed in conversations about racing, education and how their lives had been, oscar had opened up about his ex lily, and she talked to oscar about logan.
they discussed their demand for the upcoming season and how stressed they've been feeling.
"remember how we met?" Oscar laughed, earning a smile from elodie, before she carried on the laughter "yes, you walked into my bookshop because you're afraid of a little bit of rain."
he put his hand to his chest and acted shocked "I am not afraid of the rain!" he jested, tones of dramatics in his voice. 
she agreed with him with a simple nod, before starting conversation "so lewis has invited me to Lacey's party tonight, are you going?"
oscar shrugged his shoulders "im not too sure, I don't really drink."
elodie nodded "why don't you just go and not drink? it'll be fun."
oscar shrugged his shoulders and asked where the party was and elodie just said "lewis told us to meet at the yatch."
oscar stood up, and went to head back inside ; "well I have to go get ready, I'll pick you up at 7?"
elodie smiled and agreed, "see you at seven."

a couple hours had passed and elodie was sat there debating which bikini to wear and she settled on a the light orange one with the black rose embroidery, she shoved on a maxi skirt and just left her hair down. she was interrupted by a knock at the door to be met with Oscar wearing black and orange shorts, holding a tote bag with towels in. she smiled at him as he looked her up and down before saying "copy cat."
"i didn't know you was wearing orange." she replied
he smiled smugly and looked at her in a silly wau "elodie mae, my team is orange and black."
she just shrugged and smiled "oops?" she queried.
the pair walked down to Oscar's car engulfed in laughter and joking with eachother.
oscar looked towards elodie who just seemed happy, no makeup on and her hair natural, the glint in her eyes as she laughed.

but he didn't have feelings for her.

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